Événement communautaire - Laurentides - Groupe de soutien Ste-Adèle

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1545262200 1545269400

Pour les parents et amis qui prennent soin d’un proche atteint de la maladie d’Alzheimer. C’est une bonne occasion pour s’informer à propos de la maladie et échanger avec d’autres proches aidants et la Société Alzheimer Laurentides.

La rencontre, animée par Madame Julie Clément, se tiendra le 19 décembre 2018 de 18h30 à 20h30 au CSSS des Pays-d’en-Haut, Local B-108, au 707, boul. Ste-Adèle, à Ste-Adèle.

Chaque troisième Mercredi du mois.


CSSS des Pays-d’en-Haut, Local B-108
707, boul. Ste-Adèle
J8B 2N1

Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Hanley Hall Annual Christmas Dinner Dec. 25-12:15

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1545755400 1545764400

The St Francis de Sales Parish is providing a Christmas Dinner for all to enjoy. Don't be alone at Christmas.

Come to Hanley Hall for a social time, and a wonderful meal.

The doors open at 11:30am, with one meal sitting at 12:15pm.

A meal can be delivered to shut-ins, and transportation will be provided for those who need it.

To order a meal please call the rectory at 613-283-0220 during parish office hours, Tuesday-Friday-9am-3pm

Hanley Hall
30 McGill St. N
K7A 2J4
Smiths Falls, On

Community Event - Niagara - MIWSFPA Wellness Series: Keynote Lecture and Lunch

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1547656200 1547661600

Join Brock kinesiology student Chance Mutuku, who will lead an interactive keynote presentation on his journey from sport to the arts. He will be accompanied by members of the MIWSFPA, and local community health and wellness groups, in a discussion about the positive mental benefits of engaging in the arts. The presenters will also touch on the accessibility of the arts to everyone – even those who don’t consider themselves to be artists. Interactive demonstrations will take place during the event, and a free lunch will follow.

*The event is free but registration is required.

Date: Jan. 16
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: Marilyn I. Walker Theatre, MIWSFPA
To register: https://miwsfpa-wellness-series.eventbrite.ca

Marilyn I. Walker Theatre, MIWSFPA
15 Artists' Common
L2R 0B5
St. Catharines

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Local 21 Year Old Needs Stem Cell Donor

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1545487200 1545498000
1389290400 1389312000

Jocelyn McGlynn is a 21 year old woman from Chatham who was recently diagnosed with Acute Myelomonocytic Leukemia and she is in need of a stem cell transplant.  The family was hoping that one of her brothers might be a match but recently discovered they are not.  The McGlynn family is asking all people between the ages of 17 and 35 to consider registering to be a stem cell donor in hopes of finding a match for Jocelyn, but also for the many others out there who have the same need.  If you would like to donate you can go online and register at http://www.blood.ca.  A swab kit will be mailed to you with a self-addressed postage paid envelope.

There will be 2 Blood Donor Clinics held in Jocelyn's honour and a possible Swab Clinic for those wishing to register for a Stem Cell Donation.  They are Saturday, December 22, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the St. Clair Healthplex or Wednesday, January 9, 2019 from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Spirit and Life Centre (St. Joseph's).  We recommend setting up an appointment ahead of time to save on wait times and in order to be prepared for better services.  You can call 1-888-236-6283 (1-888-2DONATE) or download the app GiveBlood (Infinity Symbol) from iTunes or Google Play.

Community Event - Cornwall - Free 6-week Microsoft Excel training course

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1546884000 1546894800

A new training opportunity is available from Tri-County Literacy Council. Learn to use Microsoft Excel for your job search or career exploration.


While learning the basics of Microsoft Excel, learners gain from creating spreadsheets such as a Job Search Log in order to keep track of the positions they apply for (can also be used as a reporting tool). Other learners may discover a love for working with numbers and spreadsheets which may lead them to further education in fields such as Bookkeeping and Accounting. Topics include:


Computer Basics Review

Features & Activities

Spreadsheet Development

Saving Files

Links to Community Resources


The next session starts January 7, 2019. Class runs Mondays & Wednesdays from 1 to 4 pm for 6 weeks. For more information or to register, call 613-932-7161. Seating is limited.

Tri-County Literacy Council
101 Second St. West
K6J 1G4

Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Fédération de Famille R-Y

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1548219600 1548305940

Il n’est pas obligatoire de vous inscrire, mais si vous le désirez, vous pouvez le faire en nous téléphonant ou en visitant notre site internet : http://www.ffry.ca/activites/

ou en cliquant sur ce lien: https://www.inscription-facile.com/form/Mqhno3MtyO3GiGUtBhVD


Se préparer à la retraite du point de vue occupationnel :

  •  Comprendre les différentes phases de la retraite
  •  Réfléchir à ses motivations personnelles
  •  Prendre conscience des retombées d’une vie active au travail
  •  Envisager des compromis (ralentir la cadence, diminuer le nombre d’heures, etc.)
  •  Évaluer les impacts des choix dans les différentes sphères de vie
  •  Exercice de réflexion : être l’auteur et l’acteur de son épilogue
Restaurant Ti-Père BBQ
2995, boul. Laframboise
J2T 2S8

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Hogmanay at Hutchison House Museum

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1546365600 1546374600

The Scots have been celebrating Hogmanay since the 16th century. Before the Reformation, the Scots celebrated a wide range of festivals from Christian, Norse and Celtic traditions. At the time of the Reformation, the Church of England cancelled all festivals except the most important feast days and by the mid-16th century, the observation of many of these had been almost entirely abolished. Christian feasts were seen to incorporate and sanctify pagan rituals. The Scottish Kirk forbade the celebration of Christmas, and in 1647 its observance was forbidden by an Act of Parliament. The result was that the Scots focused on the celebration of the New Year - Hogmanay. By the 19th century, Christmas had been restored as a religious observance and Hogmanay continued as a time of merry-making.

Part of the preparation for the coming year involved putting one’s house in order. Debts were paid, the house was swept clean, clocks were wound, musical instruments were tuned, silver, brass and pewter were polished, clothes were mended, clean sheet were put on the beds, and anything borrowed was returned to its owner to ensure that all was in readiness when the new year arrived. Stray dogs were sent away, as they were thought to bring bad luck. Finally, the fire was piled high, the higher the flames, the greater the luck to come.

As with any festive occasion, Hogmanay includes the preparation of special food and beverages. At Hutchison House, on New Year’s Day, visitors will be treated to Scotch Black Bun, a rich mixture of currants, raisins, peel, spices and whisky, baked in a fine pastry dough, Clooty Dumpling or Duff, Scotch Eggs, Potted Salmon, cheeses, oatcakes, shortbread and Haggis.

Our first-footer will be “piped in” at precisely 1 p.m. January 1st with a rousing rendition of ‘Burns’ Address to a Haggis’ to follow shortly thereafter. Visitors will enjoy tours of the museum as well as samples of the taste of Scotland throughout the afternoon. Fiddle music, Highland dancing, and the skirl of the bagpipe and drum will round out the day. Plan to drop in to wish new friends and old neighbours the best for the coming year.

Help us ring in the new year at Hutchison House with a Hogmanay celebration from 1 to 3:30 p.m. on, January 1, 2019. Admission prices: adults $10.00; children $5.00; family rate $20.00 (2adults/2+ children). This is a ‘drop-in’ affair. Space at the museum is limited and in order to accommodate visitors to this popular event and we would respectfully ask participants to keep the length of their visit as short as possible to avoid overcrowding. For more information call the museum at (705) 743-9710.

Hutchison House Museum
270 Brock Street
K9H 2P9