Community Event - Niagara - Youth Resources Niagara Online Auction

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553130000 1553140740
1553140800 1553227140
1553227200 1553313540
1553313600 1553392800

Youth Resources Niagara is a non profit organization that supports justice involved youth and youth in FACS care. We have two residential facilities and a variety of community programs to help support some of Niagara's most at risk population. We are hosting an online auction, the link is You can place your bids from March 20 at 9am until March 23 at 10pm.

Follow along on our Facebook event page for more information on donors! We have something for everyone; from event tickets, to sporting events and gear, to restaurant gift cards and so much more!

Delivery within the Niagara region; pick up or shipping for out of region bidders.



Youth Resources Niagara
214 Hwy 20 East
L0S 1E6

Community Event - North Bay - Retro Video Game Exhibit/Arcade @ North Bay Museum

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1552312800 1552334400

The North Bay Museum invites visitors of all ages to join us for March Break during "Game On!" Retro Video Game Exhibit and Arcade.

$5 Admission includes unlimited gaming on consoles (including Atari, Nintendo, Sega, Intellivision and more!)

North Bay Museum
100 Ferguson Street
North Bay Museum

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Seniors Dinner/Dance Social @ Windsor Moose Lodge

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1552276800 1552363140

C'mon out & party every Wednesday 3-7pm. Live music, ample dinner with dessert for $6. Meet new & interesting people, chit-chat and dance, bring a friend, have an enjoyable moment at 777 Tecumseh Road West.

windsor moose lodge 1499
777 tecumseh rd w

Community Event - Niagara - 2019 War Amps Key Tag Campaign

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553486400 1553572740

War Amps key tags safeguard your keys and help support The War Amps many programs for amputees. Our annual key tag mailing begins in the Niagara Region on March 25. Visit to learn how you can help!

Throughout the Niagara Region
1244 Randall Ave
Niagara Region

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - 2019 War Amps Key Tag Campaign

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553486400 1553572740

War Amps key tags safeguard your keys and help support The War Amps many programs for amputees. Our annual key tag mailing begins in Cobourg/Port Hope on March 25. Visit to learn how you can help!

Throughout Cobourg and Port Hope
1244 Randall Ave
Cobourg & Port Hope

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Fraud Prevention Seminar Port Hope Public Library

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553207400 1553211000

March is Fraud Prevention Month! Join us at the Mary J. Benson Branch with the Port Hope Police for an informative evening on how to prevent fraud. Learn about the CRA scam, grandparent scam, online safety, banking fraud and personal safety. No registration required!

Port Hope Public Library Mary J. Benson Branch
31 Queen Street
L1A 2Y8
Port Hope, Ontario

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Youth Festival Feat. Country Singer Brea Lawrenson

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558803600 1558821600

14 year old Hannah passed away July 9, 2018. In the midst of extreme grief, Hannah’s uncle Ryan, Mom (Tasha) and Step-Dad (Shane) wanted to continue Hannah's mission of helping other youth in our community, lead healthy lives while giving them tools to cope with anxiety & bullying. On May 25th, 2019 we are hosting a family-centred youth festival & pre-launch for Hannah’s Heart. We will have music by country singer Brea Lawrenson and Pembrokes' Sierra Levesque with special guest Jennifer Jane Clark. Our aim is to raise awareness & money for a local community organization; Hannah’s Heart. Funds raised, are going towards setting up a school program, where we educate students to become ambassadors of change. The mission is to prevent any more youth from losing their lives to bullying & mental health.

We can’t bring Hannah back. We can however, help other youth in our community explore, understand & value their authentic selves, teaching them skills that will enable them to mature & move down their own paths with confidence, integrity and peace #hannahshearttribe

379 Greenway Drive. Westmeath

Hannah's Heart Ottawa Valley Headquarters
379 Greenway Drive
K0J 2L0

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - March Madness Flea Market

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553344200 1553369400

Join us at Christ United Church, 12 Perth St., Lyn, Ontario, on Saturday, March 23rd for a day of March Madness with a fun Flea Market featuring new and used items - baby clothes, toys, quilts, bedding, dolls, books, cd's, puzzles, kitchen items and more.

Starts at 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Muffins and coffee will be available.

To rent a table contact Joan Ferguson 613-345-3950 or Lois Leroux 613-498-3225

Christ United Church
12 Perth
K0E 1M0