Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - STEM Camp

Submitted by cdanby on
1551934800 1552021140
1554609600 1554695940

A fun, accessible way for children to explore their sense of wonder through structured, hands-on experiences and learning opportunities. Open to ages 5 - 13 years old. For more information or to register visit or call 519-475-6600.

STEM Camp is a Canadian not-for-profit educational initiative. 

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - IRIS House fundraising luncheon “Irish Cuisine”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553097600 1553103000

IRIS House monthly fundraising luncheon,  “Irish Cuisine”, Wednesday, March 20 from 12pm to 1:30pm. Tickets: $10, Take out: $11. Please come and enjoy our delicious meal! 

IRIS House, 1280 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, Tel: 519-252-1819

Parking in IRIS House parking lot at Dufferin Pl. (back of IRIS building).


Soup:   Creamy Carrot and Cauliflower Soup

Salad:  Chef’s Garden Salad with an Apple Cider Vinaigrette

               Irish Pub Salad

Mains: Steamed Broccoli

               Boiled Potatoes

               Shepherd’s Pie

               Corn Beef & Cabbage

               Battered Fish

Desserts: Cakes, pies, cookies, squares, etc.

Coffee & tea


IRIS Residential Inns and Services is a family driven, non-profit, charitable corporation established in October 1999 to provide supportive housing for people with persistent serious mental illness (PSMI). IRIS Residential Inns and Services operates IRIS House, a ‘Housing With Supports’ home for 65 people with PSMI.

IRIS House
1280 Ouellette Ave.
N8X 1J5

Community Event - Chatham - Insects and Arachnid Photography Display

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1552658400 1552680000

Stunning Photographs of Insects and Arachnids will be on display in our Art Gallery by Wallaceburg photographer Herman Geithoorn. 

Herman is a member of many clubs, including the Sydenham Field Naturalists, Ontario

Nature (Federation of Ontario Naturalists),

Canadian Nature Federation,

National Wildlife Federation,

Chatham Camera Club, Sarnia Photographic Club, Canadian Association for Photographic Art,

and the Rotary Club of Wallaceburg.

Open night is Friday March 15th at 7pm all welcome and entry is free 


Wallaceburg and District Museum
505 King St
N8A 1J1

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Sports Discovery Camp

Submitted by cdanby on
1551934800 1552021140
1554609600 1554695940

Building confidence through sport. 

Campers will be introduced to traditional and new sports that build confidence, inspire teamwork and develop new skills in sport but also for life. We are all about sport experiences through fun and engaging activities that encourage children to be healthy in the body & mind. Boys and girls aged 6-14 are welcome! 

For more information and to register online visit or call 226-242-2328 between 9am and 4pm. 

Sports Discovery Camp is a Canadian not-for-profit educational initiative. 

Community Event - Chatham - Free movies and crafts at the Wallacebug Museum

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1552312800 1552334400

All week we have crafts and movies on at the museum. Movies start at 1pm.

Monday - The Grinch
Tuesday - Wreck It Ralph
Wednesday - Frozen
Thursday - Hotel Transylvania 3
PLUS FREE ENTRY and a scavenger hunt throughout the museum.
Donations always welcome

Children must be accompanied by an adult 

Wallaceburg and District Museum
505 King St
N8A 1J1

Événement communautaire - Saint-Georges - DÉJEUNER BÉNÉFICE

Submitted by dpayeur on
1552824000 1552836600

Les administrateurs de la Corporation de conservation du patrimoine de Saint-Simon-les-Mines

vous invitent à leur 23e déjeuner-bénéfice de la St-Patrick, le dimanche 17 mars 2018

à la salle municipale de Saint-Simon-les-Mines, de 8 h à 11 h 30.

Salle municipale de St-Simon-les-Mines
3350, rue Principale

Community Event - Chatham - Movies @ Your Library

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556647200 1556656200

Movies at the Chatham-Kent Public Library, Chatham Branch. If Beale Street Could Talk starring Kiki Layne will be shown in the Meeting Room of the Chatham Branch on April 30, 2pm. All are welcome. 

Chatham-Kent Public Library - Chatham Branch
120 Queen Street
N7M 2G6

Community Event - Chatham - Movies @ Your Library

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556042400 1556051400

Movies at the Chatham-Kent Public Library, Chatham Branch. Ben is Back starring Julia Roberts will be shown in the Meeting Room of the Chatham Branch on April 23 , 2pm. All are welcome. 

Chatham-Kent Public Library - Chatham Branch
120 Queen Street
N7M 2G6

Community Event - Chatham - Movies @ Your Library

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555437600 1555446600

Movies at the Chatham-Kent Public Library, Chatham Branch. Free Solo starring Tommy Caldwell will be shown in the Meeting Room of the Chatham Branch on April 16 at 2pm. All are welcome. 

Chatham-Kent Public Library - Chatham Branch
120 Queen Street
N7M 2G6

Community Event - Chatham - Movies @ Your Library

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554832800 1554841800

Movies at the Chatham-Kent Public Library, Chatham Branch. Can You Ever Forgive Me? starring Melissa McCarthy will be shown in the Meeting Room of the Chatham Branch on April 9 at 2pm. All are welcome.

Chatham-Kent Public Library - Chatham Branch
120 Queen Street
N7M 2G6