Community Event - Chatham - Sprucedale UCW Spring Coffee & Bake Sale
Coffee Party and Bake Sale
Enjoy coffee, tea or juice with muffins and coffee cakes
Shop for baked goods and casseroles
All are welcome. April 6.
Coffee Party and Bake Sale
Enjoy coffee, tea or juice with muffins and coffee cakes
Shop for baked goods and casseroles
All are welcome. April 6.
Lunch served with soup, sandwich and dessert
Relay for Life is a fun and inspiring community fundraising event where Canadians across the country join together in support of a common cause. Picture yourself walking a track while hundreds of people – family, friends, co-workers and neighbours – join you to make a difference. Many have been directly affected by cancer and share a strong bond with others who experience the pain of this disease. At the Canadian Cancer Society, we know that while cancer changes people, it doesn’t have to define them. We believe that life is bigger than cancer.
During our Daffodil Campaign this spring, by volunteering just a few hours by selling daffodil pins or canvassing for donations in April for the Canadian Cancer Society, you can help save lives and support local people who are living with cancer.
Join us by volunteering and together, we can prove that life is bigger than cancer. Take action now. Sign up to volunteer at, call 705-472-9072 or email Give a little time; make a big impact.
Beamsville Lions Club Fantastic Buffet Breakfast Sunday March 17, 2019, 9am - 1pm
All you can buffet breakfast, Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Home fries, Pancakes, French toast, Toast, Fruit cup, Juice, Coffee and Tea.
Great Prices: Adult $9, Children 6-12 $5, Children under 6 Free
Start your St. Patrick's Day right. Come join us.
Another Monthly Fundraising Event from the Beamsville and District Lions Club. Supporting great causes, Rose Cottage Visiting Volunteers and McNally House Hospice, to name a few.
Knitters or crocheters are invited to gather to work on their own projects in the company of others, and share ideas, skills, patterns. An informal gathering with date and time to be determined by those who show interest. No charge, no obligations, just come.
On Thursday Mar 28 at Emmanuel United, 458 Ashley, Foxboro, from 9:30 to noon, Carolyn Dafoe will lead a hands-on workshop to create mosaics from broken china. Make coasters or any other object you bring to cover. Your own hammer, sponge, towel, old spatula are helpful or we have lots. $5 at the door to cover costs. Tea/coffee and cookies provided. Contact Bev 613 969 1312 by Mar 21 to sign up. Workshop conditional on 8 or more registrations.
Come for a social time at 11, potluck at noon and cards (euchre) to follow. All welcome. $2 at the door for prizes and costs. Contact Phyllis at 613 962 7823 for info.
Did you know that Sarnia has a support group for Parents and Caregivers with children suffering from Mental Health Challenges?
You are not alone
We are the parents and families of children and youth who face mental health challenges.
We are dedicated to ensuring that children, youth and their families have access to all the mental health services and community supports they need to minimize their suffering and achieve their personal potential
Working together - supporting each other we will be more effective in helping our children
Together we can challenge the stigmatization of mental illness, get the information we need, access services that are truly supportive, and build communities that are welcoming for our children
Together we can make a difference in the lives of our children, our families and our communities.
if requiring more info please search our FB page
Sarnia PCMH Chapter
or Contact Tanya @