Community Event - North Bay - Line Dancing
Monday Evenings: 7pm - 8:30pm
Tuesday Mornings: 9:45am - 11:15am
Register for our 10 week sessions
$50/member or $60/non-member
Maureen 705-476-0890
Monday Evenings: 7pm - 8:30pm
Tuesday Mornings: 9:45am - 11:15am
Register for our 10 week sessions
$50/member or $60/non-member
Maureen 705-476-0890
Monday & Wednesday 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Benefits: meet new people, feel more relaxed, sleep better, more energy, reduced aches & pains, stronger muscles and bones, relax & reduce stress
March 16th.
Open bonspiel composed of 4 person teams with 2 not having more than 3 years curling experience.
Two 6 end games, lunch and prizes included in entry fee of $140 per team. Festive dress encouraged.
Registration the the Chatham Granite Club office 519-352-4324 or
Do you live alone?
Would you, or they like a contact call each day?
A telephone reassurance program that will telephone each day to ensure all is well.
The R.U.O.K Program is FREE and confidential.
Phone 705-474-6520
Operated by the North Bay Golden Age Club
À cette occasion, l’invitée Mme. Manon Laplante montrera comment réaliser des Papillons pour moustiquaire ou réfrigérateur et un cadre belle madame.
Le coût de participation à l’atelier est de 7$. De plus pour apprendre les techniques le matériel sera vendu 7$.
Chaque participante devra apporter : nappe de plastique, napperon blanc ou uni, extension, fusil à coller, bâtons de colle, ciseaux, règle, pinceaux de différentes grosseurs avec manche de plastique de couleur, stylet, crayon de plomb, stylo, efface, sharpie pointe fine 1 rouge et un noir, sharpie un peu plus gros noir permanent, guenille ou essuie tout, papier pour prendre des notes, carton pour tracer des patrons, papier d’emballage pour projet fait.
1 grosse bouteille de liqueur en plastic transparente vide
1 toile épaisse 8 pouces par 10 pouces
Apportez votre lunch pour dîner, le café sera servi toute la journée. Le nombre de places étant limité à 15, réservez tôt auprès de Claire Plante Verville au 819 538-6909.
Express Nation! Join us on February 20th for Multicultural Night! The Windsor Express battle the St. John's Edge at 7PM at the WFCU Centre. Tickets available at
Pasta dinner-Horse-Race-50/50-Raffle
Proceeds will help in the boys trip to the National Championship in Rivere Du Loup Quebec
Saturday February 23rd 2019
Doors open at 7pm Dinner at 7:30pm and Race at 8:30pm
Moose Lodge 777 Tecumseh Rd. W.
March 7 – Organist Paul Merritt, of St. Andrew’s United, London will kick-off the 10th annual Lenten Organ Series at Central United, Sarnia.
The half-hour program runs at 12 noon at the downtown Sarnia church, located at 220 George Street, the corner of Brock & George Sts.
All are welcome at organ series that runs on Thursdays for six weeks. A free will donation is appreciated.
April 11 – Terry Hill on organ and Ken Baldwin on trumpet from First St. Andrew’s United. London, will bring to a close the 2019 Lenten Organ Series at Central United, Sarnia.
The half-hour program runs at 12 noon at the downtown Sarnia church, located at 220 George Street, the corner of Brock & George Sts.
All are welcome at organ series that runs on Thursdays for six weeks. A free will donation is appreciated.