Public Notices/Announcements - Peterborough/Lindsay - Total Lunar Eclipse on Armour Hill with PAA
On Sunday, January 20th planet Earth will cast a shadow into space and the Full Moon will slip into the shadow. This is what happens every now and then when the Earth lines up perfectly between the Sun and the Moon. This is called a Total Lunar Eclipse and the next one visible here after this is not until May, 2022. Don’t miss this opportunity!
The Peterborough Astronomical Association (PAA) invites everyone to come out to Armour Hill to observe this coming event. We only need clear skies and for everyone to dress warmly. Lunar eclipses are not like solar eclipses that require special viewing equipment to protect your eyes. If you have binoculars bring them along, if not, the PAA will have binoculars and telescopes on hand for a closer look at the eclipsed Moon. The Moon will change colour once it enters the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow (Umbra). You should notice the total eclipse starting at 10:34 p.m. (local time) on Sunday, January 20th. The Moon will be half way through the Earth’s shadow at 12:12 a.m. (Jan.21st) and the eclipse will visibly end at 1:50 a.m.
So pray for clear skies and head up to Armour Hill to enjoy one of the greatest shows on Earth. This is a weather dependent event, so check the links below for up-to-date information. You are also invited to check the PAA website: for other coming events in 2019.