Public Notices/Announcements - Peterborough/Lindsay - Total Lunar Eclipse on Armour Hill with PAA

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1548034200 1548046740

On Sunday, January 20th planet Earth will cast a shadow into space and the Full Moon will slip into the shadow.  This is what happens every now and then when the Earth lines up perfectly between the Sun and the Moon. This is called a Total Lunar Eclipse and the next one visible here after this is not until May, 2022. Don’t miss this opportunity!

The Peterborough Astronomical Association (PAA) invites everyone to come out to Armour Hill to observe this coming event. We only need clear skies and for everyone to dress warmly.  Lunar eclipses are not like solar eclipses that require special viewing equipment to protect your eyes. If you have binoculars bring them along, if not, the PAA will have binoculars and telescopes on hand for a closer look at the eclipsed Moon. The Moon will change colour once it enters the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow (Umbra). You should notice the total eclipse starting at 10:34 p.m. (local time) on Sunday, January 20th. The Moon will be half way through the Earth’s shadow at 12:12 a.m. (Jan.21st) and the eclipse will visibly end at 1:50 a.m.

So pray for clear skies and head up to Armour Hill to enjoy one of the greatest shows on Earth. This is a weather dependent event, so check the links below for up-to-date information. You are also invited to check the PAA website: for other coming events in 2019.

Community Event - Niagara - Alzheimer Niagara Public Forum: What is Dementia?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1548133200 1548219540
1548219600 1548305940
1548306000 1548392340
1548392400 1548478740
1548478800 1548565140
1548565200 1548651540
1548651600 1548737940

This forum will provide an overview of basic information about dementia and brain health. Please register at the Library or by calling 905-563-7014.

Lincoln Public Library, Fleming Branch
5020 Serena Drive
L0R 1B2

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Free Workshop for Volunteer Managers of Festivals

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1548352800 1548360000

The Volunteer Centre of St. Lawrence-Rideau, in partnership with Volunteer Toronto presents volunteer management strategies to increase recruitment and retention, as well as make training for festival volunteers effective and efficient.

This workshop is developed specifically with the challenges of festivals and fairs in mind; the workshop is tailored to equip volunteer managers with the information, skills and resources they need to continue making a difference through the long-term engagement of volunteers.

Volunteer Centre of St. Lawrence-Rideau
105 Strowger Blvd
K6V 5V2

Community Event - Niagara - Mindfulness Workshop for Care Partners

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1547614800 1547701140
1547701200 1547787540
1547787600 1547873940
1547874000 1547960340
1547960400 1548046740
1548046800 1548133140
1548133200 1548219540

Mindfulness Workshop for Care Partners. Respite services are available. 
Please call the office to discuss eligibility. To register, call 905-687-3914.

Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region
#1 - 403 Ontario Street
L2N 1L5
St. Catharines

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - AQDR Trois-Rivières

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1548427500 1548439200


DATE :                      Vendredi 25 janvier 2019

ENDROIT :               Restaurant STRATOS

                                 1310, rue Sainte-Marguerite, Trois-Rivières

9 h 45                        Arrivée

10 h                           Les soins à domicile (conflits d'intérêts, éthiques, déontologie et responsabilité)

                                  Conférencière : Me Danielle Chalifoux, Institut de planification des soins

12 h                           Dîner

COÛT :                      15 $ pour les membres et les étudiants (carte obligatoire)

                                  20 $ pour les non-membres

RÉSERVATION :       Obligatoire de réserver et payer avant le mercredi 23 janvier 2019, au 819 697-3711. Vous pouvez faire parvenir un chèque à l’adresse de l’AQDR, 743, boulevard du Saint-Maurice, Trois-Rivières (Québec)  G9A 3P5.

Restaurant STRATOS
1310, rue Sainte-Marguerite
G8Z 1V7

Événement communautaire - Saint-Georges - Déjeuner, conseils et emploi

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1548770400 1548781200

Café, croissants et astuces seront servis le 29 janvier dès 9 h au Centre de recherche d'emploi Beauce-Etchemins. 

11400, 1re avenue, local 110, St-Georges. INSCRIPTION 418 227-5445. Participez au déjeuner pré-foire de l'emploi.

De nombreux conseils vous seront transmis. Vous serez bien préparés et pourrez faire bonne impression!

Centre de recherche d'emploi Beauce-Etchemins
11400, 1re Avenue, local 110, 2e étage, Place Centre-Ville
G5Y 5S4

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Public Forum: "Living Well With Dementia"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1547442000 1547528340
1547528400 1547614740
1547614800 1547701140
1547355600 1547441940

Please join the Alzheimer Society of Niagara Region and other community partners for a panel discussion about supports and services that help people with dementia to stay engaged and safe in our community. Register today by calling 905-687-3914.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - 2019 Summer Student Positions

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1546837200 1546923540

The Municipality of Leamington is now accepting online applications for 2019 summer student positions. Position postings within our various departments will be open until March 3, 2019.  Please visit for details, including applicant information and instructions.  

All students are welcome to apply.

Please be advised that student hiring is no longer restricted to Leamington residents.

Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Atelier sur le budget

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1548115200 1548122400

Janvier est une période propice pour revoir son budget et prendre des résolutions sur le plan financier. L'ACEF Montérégie-est propose un atelier sur le budget le lundi 21 janvier à 19 h à ses locaux de Saint-Hyacinthe. L'atelier est gratuit mais on doit s'inscrire au préalable au 450 252-0808.

Carrefour des groupes populaires
1195, rue St-Antoine
J2S 3K6