Événement communautaire - Hawkesbury (Français) - Concert-Bénéfice de Noel
concert levée de fonds
concert levée de fonds
It’s only eight weeks until the winter holidays, and that means it’s time for Quinte Rowing Club's Annual Tree & Wreath Sale! For the third year in a row, we’re partnering with Careen’s Christmas Trees to sell wreaths and trees, with a portion of the proceeds going to support the QRC. These fresh-cut Nova Scotia Balsam Fir Trees and Wreaths are lush, long-lasting, and smell amazing! Pick-up day is Saturday, December 8th, complete with holiday treats served up by QRC member volunteers!
Trees are $45 and wreaths are $30, paid at the time of pick-up - cash only, please! The order deadline is November 23rd, so get in touch soon!
If you have questions, kindly contact Jennifer Dupuis at.
Thank-you for supporting Quinte Rowing Club!
L'inscription n'est pas obligatoire, mais si vous désirez vous inscrire cliquez sur ce lien :https://www.inscription-facile.com/form/e2TsYDbium28U6UKflpz
Thèmes abordés:
※ Les états civils
※ Les obligations des conjoints mariés
※ Les obligations des conjoints de fait
※ Les contrats de mariage
※ Les régimes matrimoniaux
※ Le patrimoine familial
※ Les contrats de vie commune
Chatham St. Andrew's Church is hosting "Frosty Frolics Bazaar" on Saturday, November 24. 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Home baking, deli items, a gift boutique and vendors are featured. Coffee and muffins available. All are welcome!
Auxiliary Snowflake Annual Bazaar and Luncheon, Thursday, December 6th, 2018 from 10:00-1:30 p.m.
Bazaar tables, Secret Santa $2 table, Raffle, Lunch -soup, sandwiches, dessert, coffee for $8.00
14 York Street, Cornwall - Free Parking in South Parking Lot
10 am - 1 -m
Delicious cabbage rolls, perogies, pies, and baked goods for sale. Lots of interesting Christmas things to buy.
Admission fee $3 covers a hot drink (tea or coffee) and pastry treats.
@ St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church, 6248 Main St., Niagara Falls, Ontario L2G 6A4
Further information is available by calling 905 354 7876.
Vendor tables available - call Doreen @ 905-356-8679
fund raise
Back for it’s second year, tickets are available now for the 2019 Live Well event. Join us Saturday, January 26th from 10am – 4pm at St. Paul’s Congregational Church, 450 Park Avenue West in Chatham to celebrate women’s’ health & well being. Keynote topics and speakers include: Dr. Dax Biondi’s “Metabolic Health Program”; “Strong Below the Belt” with Carley Graham, Msc, PT; Pat Kennedy, RN, CTT “Breast Cancer is Preventable”; and Dr. Eli Klein, ND will present “How to Energize Your Hair, Skin & Nails” and “For Your Heart’s Sake”. With presentations, demonstrations and classes in addition to a wide variety of exhibitors and vendors, this day is sure to be jam-packed, insightful and meaningful!
The perfect Christmas gift, tickets are $40.00 each, and include admission and participation in all of the day’s activities. Food and beverage will also be available for purchase. Tickets are available at Purple Pansy, The Healthy Habit, and the YMCA. For your convenience and for a small handling fee and, tickets can also be purchased on-line through cktickets.com or through our website livewellck.com