Community Event - Muskoka - Bethune House - Canada Day

Submitted by sacton on
1719842400 1719864000

Canada Day at Bethune Memorial House – Admission is FREE! July 01, 2024, 10 am - 4 pm Celebrate Canada Day at Bethune Memorial House National Historic Site. There will be Victorian crafts and games for all ages to try, such as croquet, hoop & stick races, and walking on stilts. Step into the past with historic costumes available to try on, such as traditional Victorian clothing, and First World War stretcher-bearers. Cake and refreshments will be available in the Visitor Centre from 11 am to 1 pm while supplies last. 

Bethune House
297 John Street North
P1P 1G4

Community Event - Muskoka - Gravenhurst Housing Needs Assessment Project

Submitted by sacton on
1719460800 1719547140

Understanding Housing Affordability in Gravenhurst


What are we doing?

The Town of Gravenhurst has contracted SHS Consulting to help develop a Housing Needs Assessment for our community.

An important part of the housing needs assessment is understanding how the local community is experiencing housing affordability.

We are seeking resident feedback and providing opportunities to share your stories and ideas about housing affordability in Gravenhurst to help guide decision making based on local need. *To share your stories and ideas, scroll to the bottom and click the the 'Stories' and 'Ideas' tabs.

A housing needs assessment (HNA) is an essential tool to ensure that the Town of Gravenhurst remains a vibrant, viable and economically prosperous community that grows sustainably, and adapts to the changing profile of the community, going into the future.


What role does the town play in addressing housing affordability for its residents?

As one of six local municipalities that make up the District of Muskoka, the Town of Gravenhurst is reliant on the District of Muskoka, as the Municipal Service Manager responsible for the provision of housing and homelessness programs and services, along with the provincial and federal levels of government.

The Town of Gravenhurst recognizes that there are still opportunities available to address the affordable housing crisis the community is currently experiencing.

Gravenhurst’s council has adopted, as a strategic priority(External link) for this term, to investigate what it can do towards ensuring much needed housing is built within the community.


How is affordability defined?

According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, housing is considered “affordable” if it costs less than 30% of a household’s before-tax income.

Many people think the term “affordable housing” refers only to rental housing that is subsidized by the government. In reality, it’s a very broad term that can include housing provided by the private, public and non-profit sectors. It also includes all forms of housing tenure: rental, ownership and co-operative ownership, as well as temporary and permanent housing.


How can you participate?

You can participate in this project in two ways, you can share your stories and experiences about affordable housing in Gravenhurst, and you can share your ideas to improve affordable housing. We welcome your input on both.


1. Share your Resident Affordable Housing Stories

Please share your stories and experiences about

• Finding affordable housing.

• Having to leave affordable housing due to reasons out of your control and

• Challenges you have faced securing affordable housing for yourself or your family.

• Having to share costs with others to make it more affordable, such as sharing rental housing with friends, buying a home with other family members.

* See the Stories tab below to share your stories with us.


2. Share your Resident Affordable Housing Ideas

Please share your ideas:

• to help improve housing affordability in the community

• to help increase housing options including affordable housing, such as adding Additional Residential Units (ARU’s),

• for alternative housing options within the Town to achieve affordability

• and suggestions for resources and policies you would like to see the Town offer, to help address the housing crisis

* See the Ideas tab below to share your ideas with us.


Additional information

Questions or comments?

Contact us by e-mail at:



Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1722088800 1722150000

A 1 day indoor yard sale to raise funds for Erie Wildlife Rescue which receives no government funding. Every dollar raised goes to animal care.

Thank you Cogeco volunteers for always supporting our organization. Advertising is so crucial to our success.

Erie Wildlife Rescue
11168 Tecumseh Road E. Near Banwell.
N8R 1A8

Community Event - Quinte - French Conversation Circle at Belleville Library

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1722979800 1722987000
1723584600 1723591800
1724189400 1724196600
1724794200 1724801400

Join our French Conversation Circle and practice your French speaking skills. There is no registration for this free, drop in program. The group meets in the second floor cookbook nook on Tuesday evenings at 5:30pm.

For more information, please contact the Information Services Dept at 613-968-6731 x 2037 or email us at  

Note - this is not a French language learning class. It is for practicing your French speaking skills.

Belleville Public Library
254 Pinnacle Street
K8N 3B1

Community Event - Cornwall - Salem United Church Women Bake Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1720875600 1720886400

Salem United Church Women 

Bake Sale: Including famous frozen fruit pies and many other delicious treats 

Date: Saturday, July 13th

Time:  9am – 12pm or when ‘sold out’

Place: 19041 County Rd 2 - Church parking lot or inside if raining

All welcome!

Salem United Church
19041 County Rd 2
K6H 5R5
Cornwall ON

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Tilbury Branch Book Club

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1719957600 1719961200

Join the Chatham-Kent Public Library at the Tilbury Branch for their monthly book club on Tuesday, July 2 at 6pm. This month they're reading Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive by Stephanie Land. For more information, please call Tilbury Branch at 519-682-0100.