Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Live Theatre in Thorold!
Sunday Matinée of "Nana's Naughty Knickers." Bridget is excited to live with her nana Sylvia for the summer in New York City. What surprises are in store for Bridget? Tickets $15
Sunday Matinée of "Nana's Naughty Knickers." Bridget is excited to live with her nana Sylvia for the summer in New York City. What surprises are in store for Bridget? Tickets $15
Please join us for some Christmas Spirit on Saturday November 24th from 10-3 as our residents and 22 local community vendors display their goods. Get a head start on your Christmas shopping and join in on all the fun!
Women’s A cappella Group performs on Friday November 30 at 7pm at Glenwood United Church, 1825 Grand Marais Rd West. Tickets $10. Call 519-969-3333.
Tuesdays November 6 and 20 from 7pm to 10pm at Essex Senior Center, 32 Russell St. Essex. Bring your instruments. Family and friends $15 yearly family fee. Hosted by Essex/Kent Bluegrass, Old Time & Folk Music Association.
Lambton County Herb Society Presents Herbs Therapy. ``How they can help us``. Will be held Monday October 29, 2018 at 7:00pm; Twin Lakes Terrace. 1310 Murphy Rd. Sarnia. Theme : Herbs for Heart and Circulation. Join us for an introduction to Tarragon. For more information contact 519-541-9587. All Welcome.
Products range from jewellery, wine accessories, candles, arts & crafts,
essential oils, skincare products. clothing, teas, sweets and so much more.
- 60+ local vendors
- Shopping 10 am to 2 pm
- Trick or Treat event for the kids
- Face painting
- Visit with Princesses
December 20 – Terry Head and Ken Baldwin will bring to a close Central United’s 2018 Advent Organ Series. The half-hour program is held on Thursdays at noon. Come and listen to live organ music in this historic downtown church, located at 220 George Street, Sarnia, corner of Brock and George. A free will offering is appreciated.