Community Event - Belleville - Who Stuffed the Body in the Grand Trunk? Oct. 20
Who Stuffed the Body in the Grand Trunk? All aboard for an evening of history and hysterics as Ken MacDougall, Artistic Director of Stirling Festival Theatre and a group of lively actors try to solve a murder mystery specifically sritten For hastings County Historical Society's Annual Banquet. It is 1919 and local soldiers are returning from WWi. A body is found and everyone on the train is suspect. Over a delicious three-ourse dinner at the Travelodge in Belleville, atry to solve the case. Tickets are $65 and available at Quinte Arts Council,Pinnacle Music and the Archives in Belleville and Bruinix Jewellers in Trenton or by calling 613-961-7091.
Community Event - Belleville - Playing With Fire - The Great Trenton Explosion
HCHS presents film-maker, Sean Scally who will speak about and show his film "Playing with Fire", based on the Great Trenton Explosion in 1918. This free public presentation takes place at 7:30 p.m. at Maranatha, 100 College St. West, Belleville. Ample parking and level access from the rear of the building. Bring a friend and enjoy refreshments, conversation and displays following the presentation. For more info to to
Community Event - Belleville - Historical Society Presentation on Early Methodism
HCHS presents Past President, journalist and author, Orland French, speaking on Early Methodism in the Quinte Region. This free public presentation takes place at 7:30 p.m. at Maranatha, 100 College St. West, Belleville. Ample parking and level access from the rear of the building. Bring a friend and enjoy refreshments, conversation and displays following the presentation. For more info go to
Community Event - Niagara - Passion Food & Wine Tasting from “Wells of Hope”
Wells of Hope would like you to come and join us for a celebration of Food, Wine, Micro Beer, Music, Dancing, Silent Auction and Raffle prizes at
Chateau des Charmes Winery. Mark your calendar for Friday, September 21, 2018, from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm.
For more information go to
Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Children's Treatment Centre Sponsor of the Day
Allan & Bonnie Wilson, Wilson Funeral Home
Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Children's Treatment Centre Sponsor of the Day
En mémoire de Philias Léger (34ième anniversaire) avec amour, ta famille
Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Children's Treatment Centre Sponsor of the Day
In loving memory of our beautiful Bryanne, Love Mom & Gary xoxo
Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Children's Treatment Centre Sponsor of the Day
Happy Birthday to Doug McNaughton, Love Nancy & Ken
Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Children's Treatment Centre Sponsor of the Day
In memory of D.J. Cameron from Jim & Florence Cicchini