Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Smiths Falls Movies Under the Stars - Jumanji

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1535666400 1535684400

Join us for Movies Under the Stars, a 10 week series of free outdoor movie screenings this summer on Thursday nights by the Rideau Canal in beautiful Centennial Park (under the Water Tower) in Smiths Falls. This will be the final movie night of the 2018 season!

  • Tonight's movie is Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle  Bring the family and a blanket or a lawn chair and spend your summer evening watching a family-friendly FREE movie on the big inflatable screen. 
  • Pre-show activities start at 6:00 pm with movie starting at sunset (between 7:30 - 8:00pm) The activities are organized by our community partner and change week to week. For our final night of the season we have booked Little Ray's Reptiles Wild Frontier Show and a bouncy castle for the evening.
  • Concession stand opens at 6:00 p.m. selling hot dogs, popcorn, chips, cold drinks, and cotton candy with .50 cents from every $1.00 going to our community partner.
  1. Note 1: RAIN/HIGH WINDS: Sorry but the movie will be cancelled if there is rain, possibility of rain or high winds. The decision to cancel a movie will be made between 3-5 pm and posted on our Facebook Page and on our website. Please NO PHONE CALLS check Facebook or website.
  2. Note 2: PARKING: There is a large parking lot under the water tower that can be accessed from Old Mill Road. You can also park at the Swimming area on Park Street, park on Main St. East, George St. S. and Strathcona Ave and walk over to the park. Confederation Drive is blocked off from 6:30pm till 11:00pm for the safety of all.
Centennial Park
2-22, Confederation Dr
K7A 2P6
Smiths Falls

Événement communautaire - Drummondville - Évangélisation-Profondeurs

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1534737600 1534823940

Groupe de lecture et de partage à partir du livre Reviens à la Vie de Simone Pacot. 5-7 personnes. 1/mois 15$ par rencontre + l'achat du livre.

Informations : Reine Crosnier 819-850-5014

                       Danielle Gauthier 819-850-8811

                       Francine Dion 819-477-7118

Local Drummondville

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - ORHMA 20th Annual Golf Tournament

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1536498000 1536523200

September 9, 9am shotgun start at Fox Glen Golf Course. Texas scramble. $110 for golf, cart, breakfast and lunch at course with steak dinner to follow at East Side Marios. Proceeds to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Fox Glen / East Side Mario's
golf at 7525 Howard Ave. & dinner at 7780 Tecumseh Rd. E.
N8T 1E9
Mcgregor and Windsor

Public Notices/Announcements - Peterborough/Lindsay - Women's Retreat - Knights of Columbus Hall

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1534737600 1534823940

St. Peter's parish CWL is proud to announce a Fall Retreat on Saturday, Oct. 13th in the Knights of Columbus Hall. Our facilitator will be Enza Lamberti, an Associate Paster for the Arch-Diocese of Toronto. She will speak about Women’s Prayer. The Retreat is open to all women of Peterborough and the surrounding area. Tickets are $25.00 for adults and $10.00 for students, which includes lunch. For ticket information call Mary at 705 741-4746.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - E.C. Row Expressway Intermittent Lane Restrictions

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1534719600 1534762800
1534806000 1534849200
1534892400 1534935600
1534978800 1535022000
1535065200 1535108400

E.C. Row Expressway between Walker Road and Huron Church (including ramps), will have intermittent lane restrictions for spray patching. Motorists are asked to be aware of workers on site and use caution when driving in that location from Sunday, August 19 to Friday, August 24 from 7pm to 7am.

Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Centre aquatique Desjardins

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1534761000 1534814700
1534933800 1534987500
1535106600 1535160300
1535365800 1535419500
1535538600 1535592300
1535711400 1535765100

Suite à l’entretien annuel du centre aquatique Desjardins, les bassins ouvriront le lundi 20 août 2018.

La corporation aquatique maskoutaine est heureuse d’informer les utilisateurs qu’ un horaire bonifié sera offert pour la nage en longueur. Il y aura maintenant 8 couloirs de nage les lundis, mercredis et vendredi de 6 h 30 à 8 h 25 ainsi que de 20 h à 21 h 25.

Pour plus d’information concernant la programmation, la tarification et les services offert, veuillez consulter le et la page Facebook de la corporation aquatique maskoutaine.

Centre aquatique Desjardins
850, rue Turcot
J2S 1M2
Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Word 2013 Computer Course for Job Seekers in Sept.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1534759200 1534820400

For job seekers. Free of charge. Eight classes in September. Registration on Wednesday August 29th 10 a.m. at Niagara Learning Centre, 285 Bunting Rd., St. Catharines. Call Gail 905-684-3500, ext. 550 for more info.