Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - 18th Annual Watershed Discovery Day This Saturday

Submitted by rharrison on
1534593600 1534618800

Saturday, August 18 from 8:00 to 1:00
Perth Farmers Market, Crystal Palace
Presented by The Friends of the Tay Watershed Association (FoTW)

Enjoy learning about the Tay, activities for children and shopping for for local produce in one location!

REAL will be participating in this annual event along with six other local organizations.  Our Registered Energy Advisor (REA), Alan Leonard, will be on hand to answer questions about the Enbridge Home Energy Conservation Program.  There is still time to enroll receive up to $5,000 for making energy saving upgrades to your home.

REAL will also be having a draw for one of our rain barrels, and the FoTW will be drawing for two gift certificates to Maximilians Restaurant.

More information at


Crystal Palace
28 Drummond Street East
K7H 1E9

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - WSO – The Italian Baroque - Leamington

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1550638800 1550725140

The Windsor Symphony Orchestra Intimate Classics Series: Lively melodies, interlocking lines, and captivating beauty are all hallmarks of the Baroque era. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the soaring melodies of Vivaldi, Respighi, Pergolesi, and Corelli. - Series Sponsor: The Morris & Beverly Baker Foundation 7:30PM - Pre-Concert Talk at 6:30PM March 2, 7:30pm at Leamington United Mennonite Church. Tickets are available online at



Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Recrutement de choristes!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1536274800 1536283800

Vous aimez CHANTER? Vous voulez faire partie d’un bon chœur? Rejoignez le seul ensemble vocal classique de voix féminines de la région de la Mauricie!

Nous avons le plaisir de travailler auprès de monsieur Guy Lavigne, considéré comme un spécialiste du chant choral et de la technique vocale appliquée au chœur.

En plus des répétitions habituelles, nous offrons des ateliers de solfège ou de pose de voix pour celles qui le souhaiteraient.  Ouvert à toutes, nous répétons dans la convivialité et la bonne humeur, mais dans un souci de recherche de qualité.

Deux concerts par année sont produits, dont le prochain est en décembre 2018.

Notre mission est aussi de :

  • Faire découvrir les trésors choraux de l’histoire musicale.
  • Développer une formation musicale, vocale et une culture musicale enrichissante.
  • Participer à des événements universitaires.
  • Collaborer à des projets musicaux dans la région.
  • Offrir à la population des moments de bonheur musical de qualité.

Si vous voulez faire entendre votre voix et souhaitez découvrir et approfondir le chant choral à voix égales de voix de femmes, n’hésitez pas à nous joindre!


Chef de chœur :       Guy Lavigne

Répertoire :               Noël (œuvres classiques et traditionnelles de la Nativité et chansons d’hiver)

                                   Printemps (concert anniversaire du 50e de l’UQTR)

Répétitions :              Les jeudis soir, de 19 h à 21 h 30, Pavillon Michel-Sarrazin, UQTR,

                                   Salle Rodolphe-Mathieu

Pour informations et inscription :

Guy Lavigne :

Marie-Lou Breton, responsable des communications : 819 609-6253

Site Web :   

Facebook : Ensemble vocal UQTR            

Pavillon Michel-Sarrazin, UQTR, Salle Rodolphe-Mathieu
3600, Rue Sainte Marguerite
G9A 5H7
Trois-Rivières, QC

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - WSO – Farewell Symphony - Leamington

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1534165200 1534201200

The Windsor Symphony Orchestra Intimate Classics Series: It’s not very often you see musicians get up and walk off stage mind-performance. In 1772, in response to the long hours his musicians were forced to work, Hayden wrote the Farewell Symphony to raise awareness of a potential uprising to his employer, Prince Esterhazy. The symphony features a choreographed and strategic exodus of musicians from the stage one-by-one (in the middle of the work!) until only two musicians remain. No need to worry, the WSO will be back in their seats to perform Schubert’s Symphony No. 5. - Series Sponsor: The Morris & Beverly Baker Foundation Pre-Concert Talk at 6:30pm April 13, 7:30pm at Leamington United Mennonite Church. Tickets are available online at

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - St. C. Horticultural Society Meeting

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1537223400 1537232400

Save The Date: St. C. Horticultural Society Meeting

Mon. Sept. 17/18 @ 6:30 pm. @ Grace Mennonite Church, 677 Niagara Street

Speaker: Dave C. Naylor

Topic: Winter Hardy Cacti & Succulents

Refreshments $1 (Please bring your own mug), Door Prizes, 50?50 Draw.

Your visit meeting is free, yearly memberships are $20.

Everyone is welcome.

Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Free Community BBQ in Smiths Falls

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
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Community Bulletin Boards


What:            Free Community BBQ

When:           Monday, August 20, 2018 (Rain or Shine)

                        3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (as supplies last)


 Where:          Trinity United Church

 Corner of Market St. N and Russell St E, Smiths Falls


Who:              All are Welcome


 Contact person: Bob Swan 613-283-4933


Trinity United Church
41 Market Street
K7A 4S9
Smiths Falls

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Sept 24, 6:30pm: Essex Genealogy-Family Tree Maker

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1537828200 1537835400

Free Family Tree Maker software presentation by MacKiev representative Mark Olsen. Join us for for this first stop on his Ontario tour as he covers the basics, tips, tricks, and answers questions about this popular family history program that works with online genealogy sites Ancestry and Family Search.  Whether you've been using it for years, just started using it, or are just curious about it, this presentation is for every family historian.

September 24 - 6:30pm: Windsor Public Library, lower level, 850 Ouellette, Windsor

Visit to learn more about Essex OGS.

Windsor Public Library
850 Ouellette Avenue
N9A 4M9

Community Event - North Bay - Arsenic and Old Lace - Oct 31st at 7pm

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1541026800 1541034000


Arsenic and Old Lace by Joseph Kesselring - Directed by Rod Carley
When Joseph Kesselring’s modern farce classic, Arsenic and Old Lace, opened on Broadway in August, 1941, it was in the midst of a string of socially-aware dramas. Audiences were delightfully surprised with this twisted little property and Arsenic became a much needed escape for the nation – so much so that it ran for over three years before being made into a highly successful Frank Capra film starring Carry Grant, released in 1944. It is a laugh out loud tonic we need again in this crazy world.
The plot revolves around the comings and goings at the old Brewster home in Brooklyn, New York, where a pair of dear, dotty old gals mix up a very special elderberry wine.  Very special.

Their nephew Mortimer, a genial, easy-going theatre critic, has just announced his engagement when he discovers that his two aunties have been spiking their wine with poison and sending lonely gentlemen callers off to the great beyond. More specifically, they’ve been burying them in the cellar with the help of their nutty nephew, Teddy, who thinks he’s Teddy Roosevelt and thus digs the Panama Canal down in the basement. To their credit, the aunts believe that what they are doing is an act of charity and hold touching funeral services for all their victims!The plot thickens with the sinister arrival of a third prodigal nephew, Jonathan, an escaped murderer with a surprising resemblance to Boris Karloff, and his quackerly companion, Dr. Einstein, who both look and behave like refugees from a Hollywood horror movie. Manic mayhem ensues as Jonathan competes with his aunts to break their body count tie of twelve apiece and to seek revenge on his brother Mortimer. Add a liberal dose of keystone cops Brooklyn law and order and the stage is set for farce and fireworks in the spirit of Bugs Bunny and his Looney Tune pals.

Widdifield SS Theatre
320 Ski Club Rd
P1B 7R2
North Bay