Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Notice of Study Commencement & Public Info Centre

Submitted by cdanby on
1525233600 1525319940

In July 2015, the Municipality of Leamington (the Municipality) initiated a review of its sanitary sewer servicing strategy including a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Addendum study (update to 2006 EA study). This review identified the need to extend the current Sanitary Trunk Sewer (STS) to include lands north of Highway 3 up to Mersea Road 11 (see study area map). The proposed STS will service current approved growth areas within the study area, in addition to greenhouses and residential properties up to Mersea Road 11. Recognizing the significant change in scope and potential stakeholder interests, the Municipality has decided to initiate a new Class EA planning process rather than an addendum.

The Process
The Municipal Class EA study is being completed in accordance with the Schedule “B” planning process under the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class EA document. It will look at servicing alternatives inside and outside of existing road allowances in addition to existing and future utility corridors. The Class EA study process includes public and agency consultation, evaluation of alternative solutions, an assessment of the effects of the project and development of mitigation measures to reduce potential impacts.

How to Get Involved
Input from the public is important to this study. A Public Information Centre (PIC) for this Class EA study is scheduled for:

When: May 16

Session 1: 1-4:30pm (presentation at 1:30pm)

Session 2: 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM (presentation at 6pm)

Where: Leamington Lebanese Club, 447 Highway 77, Leamington, ON N8H 3V6

The PIC will be conducted in an open house (drop-in) format, with display material and study documentation available for review. Leamington staff and AECOM will be in attendance to present feasible alternatives, answer questions and discuss the next steps in the process. A short presentation followed by questions and answers will be held be held at the times noted above.

For more information visit or call 519-326-5761

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Tunnel Closure

Submitted by cdanby on
1525233600 1525319940

On Sunday, May 6, the Annual Tunnel Training Exercise will take place on Tunnel property.

The Tunnel will be closed for all vehicular traffic from 7-10am. The first Tunnel Bus on Sunday, May 6, will leave the Windsor International Transit Terminal at 10am and will resume the regular Tunnel Bus schedule for the remainder of the day until the Sunday night closure for Tunnel construction.

For more information about the Tunnel Bus schedule during tunnel construction please visit Persons may contact Transit Windsor’s customer service at 519-944-4111, to help with any questions regarding schedule delays, or contact 311 for assistance.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Leamington - Notice of Pesticide Use

Submitted by cdanby on
1525233600 1525319940

Notice is hereby given that DBi Services on behalf of the Municipality of Leamington will be commencing vegetation control operations in your area. The work will include the treatment of weeds along all rural roadsides within the limits of the municipality. 

Date of application, May 8-June 8 (weather permitting). 

Pesticide trade name, Clearview Herbicide - active ingredient Metsulfuron-Methyl and Aminopyralid (present as potassium salt) under the Pest Control Product Act. Weedaway Dichlorprop DX Herbicide - active ingredient Dichlorprop-P and 2,4-D (both present as 2-ethylhexyl esters) under the Pest Control Products Act. Hasten NT Spray Adjuvant - active ingredient Methyl and ethyl oleate (esterified vegetable oil) under the Pest Control Act. 

For questions and concerns contact Mike Mclntyre at 519-567-6355 or Ken Brown at 519-326-5761.

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - IRIS House - Italian Cuisine Luncheon

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1526486400 1526491800

IRIS House, monthly fundraising luncheon, Italian Cuisine

Wed., May 16 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Please come and enjoy our delicious meal!


Soup:     Stracciatella

Salad:    Chef’s Garden Salad w/ Balsamic Vinaigrette              

              Antipasto Platter of Chef’s Selection

              Focaccia Bread             

Main:     Grilled Vegetables w/ Pesto

              Roasted Mini White Potatoes w/ Rosemary

              Penne w/ Tomato Basil Sauce

              Chicken Piccata

              Veal Scaloppini            

Desserts: Tiramisu, Cookies, Dessert squares, etc.

Coffee & Tea


Tickets: $10.00, Take out: $11.00

Address: IRIS House, 1280 Ouellette Ave., Windsor ON  N8X 1J5

Contact: Anne Ryan,, Tel: 519-252-1819

Parking in IRIS House parking lot at Dufferin Pl. (back of IRIS building).

IRIS House
1280 Ouellette Ave.
N8x 1J5

Community Event - North Bay - Warriors of Hope GIANT GARAGE SALE

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1527336000 1527354000

The Warriors of Hope will hold their annual GIANT GARAGE SALE on Saturday, May 26th from 8am to 1pm at the parking lot of Investors Group (formerly NB Hydro) at 1350 Fisher Street. Come find something you can't live without while supporting our team fundraiser!

Investors Group Parking Lot
1350 Fisher Street
P1B 2H1
North Bay