Événement communautaire - Alma - Club Amitié St-Pierre d'Alma

Submitted by mcossette on

Les activités du Club Amitié St-Pierre d'Alma FADOQ (418 668-6653) commenceront la semaine débutant le 3 septembre prochain.

Pour toutes informations,veuillez communiquer avec LES RESPONSABLES de l'activité.

Bienvenue à tous(tes)!



> Huguette Thériault418 668-7457

> Gaétane Tremblay 418 662-7255

> Lysette Gervais 418 662-7640



> Charlemagne Couture 418 668-8887

> Colette Harvey 418 668-8887

> Odette Maltais 418 662-3901

> Liliane Morin 418 662-5203



> Marcel Girard 418 668-4188

> Denise Henry 418 668-6824

> Monique Villeneuve 418 668-8090

> Yolande Gauthier 418 662-4822



> Lysette Gervais 418 662-7640

> Francine Fleury 418 662-6371



> Marthe Tremblay 418 668-7179

> Lise Tremblay 418 662-2493



> France Doré 418 662-7651



> Laval Boivin 418 668-2855

> Mimi Audet 418 662-9213



> Odette Bergeron 418 669-0359



> Laval Boivin 418 668-2855



> Lysette Gervais 418 662-7640

> Huguette Thériault 418 668-7457

> Gaétane Tremblay 418 662-7155



> Marcel Girard 418 662-4188

> Lysette Gervais 418 662-7640



> Odette Maltais 418 662-3901

> Lysette Gervais 418 662-7640



> Madeleine Tremblay 418 662-4799

Club Amitié St-Pierre d'Alma FADOQ

Community Event - Kingston - Fall Book Fair Sept 5-9 & 15-16

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1536177600 1536192000
1536242400 1536278400
1536328800 1536364800
1536415200 1536436800
1536501600 1536519600
1537020000 1537041600
1537106400 1537124400

Everyone knows that a picture says a thousand words, but a good book says a thousand more! This September, get your hands on some amazing finds and support the Kingston Symphony’s Volunteer Committee by checking out the annual Fall Book Fair! A range of genres are available to satisfy the tastes of all book lovers. From Young Adult novels to historical fiction, from children’s books to song books, from non-fiction to audio books; an abundance of adventure awaits Kingston readers!

The sale begins on Wednesday, September 5 until September 9 and then re-opens again on Saturday, September 15 until Sunday, September 16. On opening night, September 5, the early bird entrance fee will be $20 between 4 - 4:30 p.m, and then $5 from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. There will be free admission for the remainder of the sale. To purchase early bird tickets or for more information, please visit www.kingstonsymphony.ca or call 613-546-9729. On Wednesday, September 5 the sale is open from 4 - 8 p.m., on Thursday and Friday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., and on Sundays from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. On Saturday, September 15, books will be marked down by 50% and on Sunday, September 16, there will be blow-out prices!

Kingston Symphony Warehouse
785 Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard, Unit 7A
K7L 1H3

Community Event - Kingston - Hard of Hearing Support Group

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1537988400 1537995600

The Canadian Hearing Society is hosting a six- week event for individuals who live with hearing loss.

When? Wednesdays from 3:00 pm-5:00 pm, starting September 26th 2018 to October 31st 2018.

Where? 1300 Bath Road, Frontenac Mall Unit D4, The Canadian Hearing Society Boardroom, Kingston, ON.

Details? The group is for anyone aged 54 and younger who is hard of hearing. Week 1: -Presentation on emotions and isolation: Ted talk video on hearing loss, Hearing Loss CPR -Keeping the Connection Alive | Linnaea Mallette | TEDx Camarillo -Discussion time on personal experiences and solutions to everyday problems.

Week 2: - Presentation by Brittany Hamilton on Devices. - Discussion on which technologies work best for different situations.

Week3: - Presentation on ODSP, CPP, and funding.

Week4: - Presentation on Coping with Families and vice versa, and the world around us. - Ted talk video on shame by Brene Brown.

Week5: - Presentation on Hearing: The different types of hearing loss and reasons why one can get hearing loss.

Week6: - Last week Presentation on the choice of topic from the group.

Please call Ashley Leclerc at 613-920-0597 or email aleclerc@chs.ca to sign up!

Canadian Hearing Society, Board Room
1300 Bath Road, Frontenac Mall Unit D4
K7M 4X4

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Sentier Thibaudeau-Ricard

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1536512400 1536519600
1537624800 1537632000

Ne manquez pas les visites gratuites du sentier Thibaudeau-Ricard le 9 septembre prochain de 13 h à 15 h et le 22 septembre prochain de 10 h à 12 h.

En marchant dans ce sentier forestier aux accents historiques, vous aurez la chance d’en apprendre plus sur la forêt mauricienne et les essences d’arbres qu’elle abrite. Longeant les chutes de la Rivière Shawinigan, ce sentier est une richesse régionale à découvrir ! Avec ses quelques montées, le sentier en gravier nécessite une condition physique adéquate.

Lieu de rassemblement : Place du Centenaire  (À la croisée de l’autoroute 55 et de la rue Trudel)

Pour vous inscrire à l’activité, contactez Laurence Lacerte 

Par téléphone : 819 536-1001 poste 228

Par courriel : primaire@afvsm.qc.ca

Place du Centenaire 
À la croisée de l’autoroute 55 et de la rue Trudel

Événement communautaire - Magog - Popote roulante-CAB de Magog

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Le service est  offert 5 jours/semaine au coût de 5.00$/repas. Magog et ses environs Info: 819-843-8138, poste 201.

Semaine du 13 au 17 août,  au menu:

Lundi : Macaroni au boeuf.

Mardi :  Boeuf aux carottes. 

Mercredi : Piment farci porc et boeuf.

Jeudi : Filet de sole brocoli et fromage.

Vendredi : 17 Jambon à l'ananas.

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Outdoor Movie Night Coming to Colchester

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1534629600 1534636800

The Town of Essex is back with the second outdoor movie night of the year on Saturday, August 18 at 6pm at Colchester Harbour Park, 100 Jackson Street.

Children and their families can enjoy the movie Wonder, based on the New York Times bestseller of the same name. The movie tells the story of August Pullman. Born with facial deformities which prevented him from going to a regular school, August becomes an unlikely hero when he enters the fifth grade.

The event will also have free popcorn. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own blanket and lawn chairs.

For more information, please contact 519-776-8992.

Colchester Harbour Park
100 Jackson Street
N8X 5A7