Community Event - Kingston - Hard of Hearing Support Group
The Canadian Hearing Society is hosting a six- week event for individuals who live with hearing loss.
When? Wednesdays from 3:00 pm-5:00 pm, starting September 26th 2018 to October 31st 2018.
Where? 1300 Bath Road, Frontenac Mall Unit D4, The Canadian Hearing Society Boardroom, Kingston, ON.
Details? The group is for anyone aged 54 and younger who is hard of hearing. Week 1: -Presentation on emotions and isolation: Ted talk video on hearing loss, Hearing Loss CPR -Keeping the Connection Alive | Linnaea Mallette | TEDx Camarillo -Discussion time on personal experiences and solutions to everyday problems.
Week 2: - Presentation by Brittany Hamilton on Devices. - Discussion on which technologies work best for different situations.
Week3: - Presentation on ODSP, CPP, and funding.
Week4: - Presentation on Coping with Families and vice versa, and the world around us. - Ted talk video on shame by Brene Brown.
Week5: - Presentation on Hearing: The different types of hearing loss and reasons why one can get hearing loss.
Week6: - Last week Presentation on the choice of topic from the group.
Please call Ashley Leclerc at 613-920-0597 or email to sign up!