Employers are hiring in Chatham-Kent and we’re here to help! The Municipality of Chatham-Kent’s Employment Resource Centres in partnership with the Chatham-Kent Workforce Planning Board are inviting employers to participate in the second annual CK Works! community job fair on Tuesday, October 23 from 2-7pm at the John D Bradley Centre.
This event arose out of a need identified from data obtained by the Chatham-Kent Workforce Planning Board in their annual EmployerOne survey, a local labour market survey funded through the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development.
“This survey helps us and our community partners take action to support the local business community. This job fair is one example of the survey results in action,” advises Project Manager, Kristy Jacobs. Over 285 employers completed the survey in January of this year outlining their recruitment and retention needs.
The Municipality’s Resident Attraction and Retention team, Employment and Social Services, Economic Development Services, as well as community partners will be promoting the event to job seekers and graduates in the region and employers within Chatham-Kent in the coming months.
“This year, we are expanding the event to allow more employers to join us and benefit from the job fair approach. Further, representatives from the education sector will be on hand to provide information on upgrading and certification options to promote life long learning to those in attendance”.
Spaces are limited and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Tables are available at the cost of $50.00. The online registration for employers can be found at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CKWORKS2018. For more information, please call 519.436.3299 to speak with Rory Sweeting, or email CKWorkforce@chatham-kent.ca.
Employer registration closes Friday, September 28, 2018 at 4:30 pm.
The CKWPB is committed to ongoing research to enhance local labour market planning in the Chatham-Kent region. To learn more about the Chatham-Kent Workforce Planning Board and its activities in Chatham-Kent, please visit our website at ckworkforcedev.com.