Community Event - Niagara - Out of the Heat Niagara-- Summer Shelter
Please join us opening night, July 4, for a community BBQ from 8pm-9:30pm! Come meet our volunteers and see our space!
Out of the Heat Niagara is a community run emergency shelter pilot project scheduled to run six days a week from July 4, 2018- August 31, 2018 at Grace Anglican Church (238 Geneva St.) .
The program will have check in at 8pm, with a snack provided for those sleeping over. Participants will be provided with bedding and a cot and encouraged to attend the St. George's Breakfast Program in the morning.
We are aiming to provide supports in the way of outreach/ housing workers, harm reduction/ needle exchange program, as well as health care workers on site as much as possible.
We are not currently funded in any way and are running this program via volunteers and fundraising efforts. We are currently in need of volunteers, as well as food sponsors and various items. Practicum hours and community service hours are available.