Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Défi Santé-Centre aquatique

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
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Relevez le défi avec nous cette année !

Pour une cinquième année consécutive, la Corporation aquatique maskoutaine s’implique dans le cadre du Défi Santé. Cet événement met en valeur les saines habitudes de vie à adopter. La CAM offrira donc une programmation spéciale pour l’événement.

Les maskoutains sont invités à s’inscrire au Défi Santé 2018 au defisante.ca . Votre inscription vous donnera accès à un dossier en ligne avec une multitude de ressources et de vidéos pour bonifier votre participation. L’inscription au Défi Santé n’est pas obligatoire pour participer aux activités offertes par la CAM.

L’objectif du Défi Santé 2018 est de :

  • Faire au moins 30 minutes d’activité physique par jour
  • Manger au moins 5 portions de fruits et légumes par jour
  • Être reconnaissant d’au moins 3 choses positives chaque jour

La CAM offre une multitude d’activités gratuites* qui saura faire bouger les petits, comme les grands !

*Les frais d’admission au bain libre sont exigés.

Vous retrouverez la programmation complète sur le site internet: www.piscinecam.ca/programmation/evenements/

Centre aquatique Desjardins
850, rue Turcot
J2S 1M2

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Notice of Public Meeting: Windsor Police Services

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1524762000 1524765600

Thursday, April 26th, 2018 at 1pm at Windsor Police Headquarters, 4th Floor Boardroom, 150 Goyeau Street. To address the Board, please notify the Administrative Assistant no later than 8 days prior to meeting. Thank you.

Public Notices/Announcements - Ottawa Valley - Motorcycle and Air Brake Training at AC Pembroke

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1523592000 1523678340

Courses available starting in May to get your M2 or M licence at the Pembroke Campus of Algonquin College. If you are interested in getting your motorcycle licence you must first write the M1 test at a DriveTest Centre. We provide the motorcycles for the M2 training. If you have held an M2 licence for at least two years and want to get your final M licence you will need a licensed and insured motorcycle for the training.

We also have Air Brake Z training starting May 26, 2018.  See complete details for all at www.algonquincollege.com/pembroke-ce or call for information or to register at 613-735-4700 ext 2735 or 2708.

Community Event - Niagara - Register now for the Big Move Cancer Ride!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1536494400 1536512400

Push yourself to the limit on Sunday, September 9th at the 10th Annual Big Move Cancer Ride. Cycle the 100K with other hardcore riders, try the 50K route for a bit of a challenge or cruise the 25K at your own pace. Whether individually or part of a team, register today and join us as we ride to raise money for the Walker Family Cancer Centre!


For more information or to register, visit www.bigmovecancerride.com.

Club Roma
125 Vansickle Rd
L2S 3W4

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Theatre-Kent Presents Nooses Off

Submitted by eshaw on
1523505600 1523591940

Nine Little Indians is an amateur theatre company's whodunit which hurtles toward opening night-but the real mystery is whether the cast and crew can get this disaster to curtain call. An homage to Michael Frayn's classic comedy, Noises Off, this hilarious comedy plays with the mysteries and mistakes behind the scenes of live theatre! 

All seats are general admission.

Date: May 10, 11, 12, 2018
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Living Faith Community Church, 530 Victoria Avenue, Chatham, ON

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - HOPE (support group for families of ADHD children)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1523505600 1523591940
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meeting Apr. 18 at St. Catharines Regional Child Care Centre, 179 Carlton St., St. Catharines from 7-8:30 p.m.  Speaker: Dr. Michelle Lohnes on ADHD & Anxiety.  For more information and to register for child care, please call Learning Disabilities of Niagara Region at 905-641-1021.

Community Event - Kingston - H'art Centre's new musical: A Gift From Martadella

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1524261600 1524268800
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A new musical play for anyone who believes they have more to give
In celebration of H'art Centre's 20th anniversary!

Produced by H’art Centre
Script and Music By H’art participants, Kathi Toth-Switzer, David Archibald
Directed by Kathryn MacKay
Music Direction by David Archibald, Kathi Toth-Switzer

Performed by H’art participants and local performers

Twenty years ago, we met Martadella, in H’art’s first theatre production entitled “Martadella’s Gift”, a young girl who communicated in a special way using a magical bubble wand.  Martadella challenged and inspired others to look beyond appearances and search for the beauty and unique gifts of those who appear different.

In H’art’s new musical, we meet Sam and Marta, a couple who had been inspired by Martadella’s Gift years ago as high school students after starring in the production.  Ironically, they have a daughter, Stella, who, like Martadella, cannot speak.   Sam and Marta have spent 20 years working hard to create a safe and comfortable life for their daughter.  Marta feels that she understands and knows what’s best for Stella. But can Stella be satisfied with comfortable when she has so much more to give?

Over 40 remarkable local performers, most with developmental disabilities, used their talents as actors, musicians and visual artists to create this spirited celebratory performance.

A Gift from Martadella is a story about a young woman who embarks on a journey of new personal discoveries drawing inspiration from that same magical bubble wand from years ago.

Learn more about H'art Centre, a non-profit, charitable organization that ensures people with disabilities or  who face barriers have opportunities to create, study and produce works in the arts. Now celebrating 20 years! Learn more:  www.hartschool.ca 

The Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts
390 King Street West
K7L 3N6

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Windsor Moose Lodge - Sunday Entertainment

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1523505600 1523591940

Great band, "ALL STAR COUNTRY" performs every Sunday 4-8pm. All your favourite classic country music! Kitchen open 4:30-8pm. Great people, great music, great times! For more information call 519-253-1834.

Windsor Moose Lodge 1499
777 Tecumseh rd w

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - The Memories for Sale Book and Other Stuff Tour

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1524871800 1524877200

Friday, April 27 at Kakoon Spa in Ridgetown at 7:30 p.m. The Memories for Sale Book and Other Stuff Tour......I'll be doing readings from my literary collection, Memories for Sale, and I'll be joined by singer/songwriter Julie Ross and after we do a set, the Sterling Blues Band will perform a set of great live blues....admission is a $10 donation to help struggling artists.  Call 519-627-5978 or e-mail gardiner@kent.net if you'd like additional info.