Événement communautaire - Saint-Georges - Chant du HU
Se recueillir, méditer ou contempler
Dimanche le 3 Juin de 10 h 30 à 11 h 00
au 12220, 2e Ave, St-Georges Est
Bienvenue à tous.
Se recueillir, méditer ou contempler
Dimanche le 3 Juin de 10 h 30 à 11 h 00
au 12220, 2e Ave, St-Georges Est
Bienvenue à tous.
Shotgun start at 1pm on Friday June 8 at the Lombard Glen Golf Club. $125 per play/$500 per team. Registration begins at 11:30am with lunch provided at Noon. For those wishing to attend just for dinner at 6pm the cost is $60. Reserve your spot today by calling 613.283.1334 or email info@smithsfallschamber.ca
Saturday, July 7, 10am-3pm at Colchester Harbour/Beach, 100 Jackson St., Colchester Village (near Harrow, ON).
The Ontario Purple Martin Association is hosting the first ever Ontario "MartinFest" - a celebration of this much-loved North American bird, which is unique in its tolerance of, dependence upon, and desire to be close to humans.
Our event will be within sights and sounds of an active Purple Martin colony. There will be vendor booths, children’s activities, presentations, as well as speakers on various Purple Martin related subjects. Many experienced Purple Martin "landlords" will be on hand to answer your questions.
ADMISSION IS FREE - but we would welcome donation of an item to benefit our local Food Bank!
Each year, the Town of LaSalle recognizes volunteers for their hard work and dedication. The community is encouraged to submit nomination forms to recognize members of the community who go above and beyond. Council members review the nominations and choose a volunteer who stands out in each category. The award recipients will be acknowledged at a celebration at the LaSalle Civic Centre on Friday, September 21, 2018.
Nominations are now being accepted for the following categories:
Nominations in all categories are being accepted until Tuesday, July 31. Nomination forms are available on the www.lasalle.ca or can be picked-up from the Administration/Clerk's Counter on the first floor of the LaSalle Civic Centre. Mail or drop off the completed nomination form in a sealed envelope to: Volunteer Recognition Awards, c/o Town of LaSalle, 5950 Malden Road, LaSalle, Ontario N9H 1S4.
The City of Windsor and partnering municipalities, through the Healthy Kids Community Challenge (HKCC) program is encouraging families to Power OFF and Play! with the screening of the award winning documentary “SCREENAGERS: Growing Up in the Digital Age.” The film explores the vulnerable corners of family life and the struggles over social media, video games and academics and offers solutions on how we can help our kids navigate the digital world. After the film, there will be a short panel discussion/question period with local experts on screen time. We encourage parents and families to attend this free event. Seating is limited so we ask that you register ahead of time online at, https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/healthy-kids-community-challenge-windsor-essex-17308763108
June 5, 7-9pm at Mackenzie Hall, 3277 Sandwich St.
The City of Windsor and partnering municipalities, through the Healthy Kids Community Challenge (HKCC) program is encouraging families to Power OFF and Play! with the screening of the award winning documentary “SCREENAGERS: Growing Up in the Digital Age.” The film explores the vulnerable corners of family life and the struggles over social media, video games and academics and offers solutions on how we can help our kids navigate the digital world. After the film, there will be a short panel discussion/question period with local experts on screen time. We encourage parents and families to attend this free event. Seating is limited so we ask that you register ahead of time online at, https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/healthy-kids-community-challenge-windsor-essex-17308763108
May 30, 7-9pm at Forest Glade Community Centre, 3215 Forest Glade Dr.
The City of Windsor and partnering municipalities, through the Healthy Kids Community Challenge (HKCC) program is encouraging families to Power OFF and Play! with the screening of the award winning documentary “SCREENAGERS: Growing Up in the Digital Age.” The film explores the vulnerable corners of family life and the struggles over social media, video games and academics and offers solutions on how we can help our kids navigate the digital world. After the film, there will be a short panel discussion/question period with local experts on screen time. We encourage parents and families to attend this free event. Seating is limited so we ask that you register ahead of time online at https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/healthy-kids-community-challenge-windsor-essex-17308763108
Monday May 28, 2018 - 7-9pm
Leamington Kinsman Recreation Centre, 249 Sherk Street, Leamington
June 10, gates open at 12pm at Co An Park, 11071 Concession Rd. Admission, $5 per person. Enjoy 8 local bands, a car show, raffles, door prizes, golf cart contest and much more! All proceeds go to the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation. To learn more call 519-996-5406
On Friday, June 1, 11 a.m. at Assumption Park on the riverfront, the Brain Injury Association will unveil the new names engraved on the Butterfly Monument and announce activities planned for June 2018 for Brain Injury Awareness Month. Families of those whose name is engraved, members of the Brain Injury Association and others will be on hand to join in the celebration. The festivities are open to the public.
This monument was added to the riverfront in 2014 and made history by being the first memorial sculpture in Canada dedicated to those with acquired brain injury. The bronze sculpture sits on a five foot high granite base depicting the release of two butterflies from outstretched hands. It symbolizes the life of a butterfly during the chrysalis process from caterpillar to butterfly and the transforming journey of a person with a brain injury.
Names of those who are being celebrated are engraved on the base of the Butterfly Monument. “The goal of the sculpture is to raise awareness of the prevalence of brain injury and to have a permanent reminder in our community of those who have brain injury and those who have died as a result of a brain injury” said Anna Jurak, Executive Director.
Families and friends of the loved ones whose names are engraved on the memorial will gather together to share their memories. This serves to help them cope with the loss of a loved one and for others who struggle with living with an acquired brain injury.
There will be announcements of other activities for Brain Injury Awareness Month including the opening of the Unmasking Brain Injury display open to the public.
For more information please email, info@biawe.com
Local sausage, pretzels, mustard, and potato salad by Memorial Centre Farmers’ Market Vendors. Beer on tap served by MacKinnon Brothers Brewing Co. Featuring live music and kids’ activities. $10 for your choice of sausage & sides.