The Peterborough Astronomical Association will hold its regular monthly meeting, which takes place on the first Friday of the month, on June 1st, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting location is the Rotary Education Centre/Guest Services Building, Riverview Park Zoo, Peterborough. This is the last meeting before the summer hiatus of July and August, so don’t miss out on all that the PAA has to offer this month.
We are currently looking at a new program for beginners in astronomy. The classes are currently on hold at this time, but stay tuned for future updates as new opportunities may be made available to learn the sky and earn a certificate in the process.
Our presentation for June will start shortly after 7:00 p.m. and features a talk by club member, Rick Stankiewicz, entitled, “The Green Bank Observatory of West Virginia”. Recently, Rick was fortunate to have visited this famous observatory site in the remote hills of West Virginia. This site is home to the largest “steerable” radio astronomy dish in the world. At 100 meters (309 ft.) in diameter, this “dish” when seen up close is not something you will soon forget. Rick will share his experience touring this fascinating facility with amble images he captured while there . It will become clear why Green Bank is one of the premier radio astronomy facilities in the world and maybe you will feel compelled to visit West Virginia for the same reason Rick did. Come out and see for yourself.
Following the main presentation, we offer a double feature this month, as there will be a group presentation on the famous “asterism” of The Summer Triangle. Various members will look at the constellations that make up this big geometrical shape in the sky. This should prove to be an interesting look at the sky lore and other celestial wonders that will be located high overhead in the coming summer nights. As usual, we will also look at the “Sky This Month”. Be informed about the locations of the planets of the solar system and other upcoming astronomical events. There will also be the usual opportunities to come and check out the PAA and all it has to offer, at no cost. This is an all ages meeting and the venue is barrier free. Also, you don’t need a telescope to belong, but a curious mind helps.