Avis public - Hawkesbury (Français) - Programmation 11 novembre
*Café mortel / Death Café* Centre culturel Le Chenail. Info
*Café mortel / Death Café* Centre culturel Le Chenail. Info
Au Centre culturel Le Chenail marché *AgriKulture*. Info
Au Centre culturel Le Chenail Exposition extérieure Recycl'art
jusqu'au 31 mars 2019. Soirée Whisky Jazz prévue 25 janvier.
Eastbound E. C. Row Expressway between Huron Church Road and Dominion Boulevard will be reduced to one lane for shoulder work on Monday, April 16 from 9am to 5pm.
The Rotary Club of Cornwall
In memory of Barbara Ann Thibeault from the family
Mike & Linda Moyer, Nelson & Michelle Matos, Tim Hortons
Bonnie Wilson, O'Farrell Financial Services Inc.
In honour of Our Lady of Good Counsel from St. Columban's Catholic Women's League