Public Notices/Announcements - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - 2018 North Grenville Civic Awards

Submitted by rharrison on
1522900800 1522987140

The North Grenville Civic Awards Advisory Committee is seeking nominations for outstanding individuals and groups who volunteer in service to our citizens and community to be honoured with a 2018 Civic Award.

The Civic Awards are presented annually to one volunteer in each of the designated age groups, consisting of Youth (25 years and younger), Adult (26 to 55 years) and Senior (56 years and older), in addition to one group award, in the each of the following categories:

  • Arts & Culture
  • Exemplary Work in the Community
  • Environment
  • Health and Wellness
  • Heritage
  • Recreation, Sport & Leisure
  • Seniors
  • Youth

Nomination packages are available at the Municipal Centre, at the Public Libraries (1 Water St. in Kemptville and 1 Grenville St. in Burritts Rapids) and on the Municipal website at  The deadline to submit nominations is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 27th.

In 2017, Canada 150 Student Awards were presented to students, selected by the principals at our local schools, who showed Exemplary Citizenship at their school and in the community. This will be continued in 2018 as part of our annual Civic Awards Ceremony.

The Mayor and Council of the Municipality of North Grenville established the Civic Awards Program to recognize and honour the selfless efforts and dedication of outstanding individuals and groups who volunteer in service to our citizens and community.

Since the Program began in 2009, more than 30 individuals and 5 groups have been recognized for their efforts.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Rotary Club of Windsor - Centennial Speaker Series

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1522900800 1522987140

April 9, 5:30-7:45pm at Rotary Club of Windsor, 7911 Forest Glade Dr. 

Dr. Ron Denham, Founding Chair of the Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (Rotary Club of Toronto-Eglinton) will be speaking about water and sanitation. This talk will be insightful for everyone, as one of Rotary's core projects is to help communities gain sustainable access to water, sanitation and hygiene. Note that this event replaces the Monday lunch meeting on that day. Purchase advance tickets now for CDN $25 with payment by PayPal or Credit Card or at the door for either CDN $30 or US $25 with payment by Cash or Cheque. For more information visit or

Public Notices/Announcements - Cobourg/Port Hope - Weston Silver Band in concert

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1522954800 1522962000

Friends of Music presents the Weston Silver Band on Sunday, April 15, 3:00 pm at Trinity United Church in Cobourg.  Audience favourites from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.  Tickets $46 adults, 21 and under free.  Call the box office at 905-797-2295, or visit  

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - A William Blake: Poet & Artist

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1524765600 1524769200

“William Blake: Poet & Artist” is on Thursday, April 26, 2 p.m., at the Chatham Branch of the Chatham-Kent Public Library. It’s free and it will last an hour. 
William Blake (1757-1827) is a rarity. He is equally as famous as a poet and as a painter.
His Songs Of Innocence, Songs Of Experience, and prophetic poems are still widely read. One art critic calls him, “far and away the greatest artist Britain has ever produced.”
Come hear his poems, see his paintings, and learn about his life.
The speaker is Clair Culliford of The Veranda Presents.


Community Event - Sarnia - Pickup Roast Beef Dinner Wed. May9,2018

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1525899600 1525902300

Dinner is roast beef, potatoes, vegetable, coleslaw, roll and a slice of pie.

Pickup only from 5 to 5:45pm. St. Luke's United Church corner of Indian

and Wellington. Price is $15.00. Limited # of tickets available and advance

sales only. Please call 519-344-1781 for tickets.

St. Luke's United Church
350 Indian Rd. S.
N7T 3W8

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - National Flood Survey for Windsor Residents

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1522900800 1522987140

The City of Windsor, in partnership with a group called Partners for Action at the University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Environment and the Canadian Red Cross, is looking for information from residents that have been affected by flooding. 

From now until May 15, residents are asked to visit and participate in a short voluntary survey. The survey is expected to take approximately 20 minutes to complete, and participants can enter to win a $50 Tim Hortons gift card. Participants can also complete the survey over the phone by calling the City of Windsor’s 311 service. 

Survey questions seek information from residents about their personal flooding experiences and if/how they are preparing in the event of another flood.  It is hoped that between 500 and 1,000 Windsor residents will take part in the survey. 

In addition to the residential survey, the University group will also conduct interviews with emergency and community service providers about flood preparedness and what the community needs to drive action. 

The results from all surveys will contribute to the development of a national FloodSmart Canada campaign to increase risk awareness and flood mitigation action for homeowners. Information will also help inform City of Windsor initiatives, including the update to the Climate Change Adaptation Plan and the Sewer Master Plan, which will both require significant community engagement.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Walk Wheel Windsor

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1522900800 1522987140

The City of Windsor is excited to launch Walk Wheel Windsor – an 18-month process to develop an Active Transportation Master Plan for the City. 

Active transportation includes any form of human‐powered transportation. Walking and cycling are the most popular and well-known forms of active transportation. However, the definition extends much further than that – as long as it is "active", you choose the mode: skateboarding, wheeling, pushing a stroller, accessing transit, in-line skating, using a mobility aid, etc.

Through the Walk Wheel Windsor process, the City will develop a vision along with policies and actions to guide the development of safe and convenient active transportation options for people of all ages and abilities over the next 20 years. The focus will be on creating active transportation opportunities to get people where they need to go:  work, school, appointments and activities. The final Active Transportation Master Plan will include an implementable action plan that will guide investments in active transportation infrastructure and support programs over the short, medium and long term.

Input from Windsor residents and stakeholders will be important throughout the Walk Wheel Windsor process. All residents are invited to be a part of creating an Active Transportation Master Plan developed by our community, for our community. We want to hear from all residents, no matter how they move around – on foot, wheelchair or scooter, by car, transit, bicycle or skateboard.

To launch the public engagement process, residents are invited to share why active transportation is important to them and what would encourage them to use active mobility options more often by completing our Walk Wheel Windsoronline survey. This survey is available at until June 29, 2018.

The Walk Wheel Windsor team will also be out in the community throughout the spring, hosting a variety of public events, as we explore together the future of walking, cycling, transit and other active mobility options in Windsor. 

The first event will be held at the Earth Day celebration at Malden Park on Sunday, April 22. Arrive car free and you could win a prize! But come out regardless and help shape Windsor’s Active Transportation Master Plan.

For more information on the Walk Wheel Windsor process or to get involved, please visit