Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - 2nd Annual Port Hope Bach Walk, Sat. Mar. 24, 10am

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1521900000 1521907200

Sat. Mar., 24, 2018 - 10am start

Three mini-recitals by local organists featuring the organ music of J.S. Bach. Begins at 10am at St John's Anglican Church, Pine St., and continues at Our Lady of Mercy RC Church (10:45am - with historic 1855 Stevens pipe organ). The final segment begins at 11:30am at St Paul's Presbyterian Church. Part of the international 'Bach in the Subways' event, and sponsored by the Northumberland Centre of the Royal Canadian College of Organists.

St John's Anglican Church
33 Pine Street North
L1A 3G5
Port Hope

Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Formulaires d'impôt fédéral

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1519362000 1519448340


En 2018, Postes Canada n’assurera plus la distribution des formulaires d’impôt fédéral.

En effet, dès maintenant, c’est au bureau de votre député fédéral qu’il faudra vous adresser pour vous procurer le formulaire d’impôt nécessaire pour compléter votre déclaration de revenus.

La députée fédérale de Saint-Hyacinthe–Bagot, Brigitte Sansoucy, vous invite donc à communiquer avec ses adjoints de son bureau de circonscription pour obtenir le formulaire adéquat dès que possible.

Si vous avez déjà soumis par le passé votre déclaration en format papier et donc par la poste, veuillez noter que Revenu Canada vous enverra automatiquement un nouveau formulaire.

Pour davantage de renseignements, veuillez contacter notre bureau de circonscription au 450 771-0505 ou à et le personnel de Madame Sansoucy se fera un plaisir de vous faire parvenir un formulaire d’impôt fédéral dans les délais les plus brefs.

Bureau de circonscription de la députée fédérale
2193 av. Ste-Anne J2S 5H5
J2S 5H5

Community Event - Sarnia - March Break at the JNAAG

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1521039600 1521054000

March Break: Level Up (University Focus)– The JNAAG will be holding two FREE specialized sessions over March Break (March 13-14) for young adults looking to develop their fine art portfolios for consideration for Studio Art, post-secondary education. March 14 Session: This session will give you a glimpse of what a university fine art program looks like, and what universities are looking for. The day will start with an artist talk, followed by an opportunity to have your portfolio reviewed. Then take part in a roundtable discussion about art making and an interactive question and answer session to prepare you for what’s ahead, and will be great practice for portfolio interviews. Ages 16-18. Registration required by calling (519) 336-8127 ext. 3226. Please bring your lunch. Note: Sessions are not dependent on one another and can most certainly be attended separately.

Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery
147 Lochiel Street
N7T 0B4

Community Event - Sarnia - March Break at the JNAAG

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1520953200 1520967600

March Break: Level Up (College Focus) – The JNAAG will be holding two FREE specialized sessions over March Break (March 13-14) for young adults looking to develop their fine art portfolios for consideration for Studio Art, post-secondary education. March 13 Session: This session will give you a better idea of what to expect from a college art program, and what colleges are looking for in terms of prospective art students. Enjoy an artist talk offered by successful artist and instructor Kelly Wallace who will talk about his trajectory from student to represented artist, paired with a tour of his current exhibition at JNAAG. Master drawer Kelly Wallace will then facilitate an interactive question and answer session, followed by conceptual drawing exercises. Ages 16-18. Registration required by calling (519) 336-8127 ext. 3226. Please bring your lunch. Note: Sessions are not dependent on one another and can most certainly be attended separately.

Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery
147 Lochiel Street
N7T 0B4