The Peterborough Astronomical Association will hold its regular monthly meeting, which takes place on the first Friday of the month, on March 2nd. The meeting location is the Rotary Education Centre/Guest Services Building, Riverview Park Zoo, Peterborough.
We are currently looking at a new program for beginners in astronomy. The classes are currently on hold at this time, but stay tuned for future updates.
Our presentation for March will start shortly after 7:00 p.m. and features a talk by geologist and mineralogist, Dr. Graham Wilson, of Turnstone Geological Services, Campbellford. The presentation is entitled, “Meteorites and the Evolution of the Solar System” and the reason the PAA has asked Dr. Wilson to return to their club for a talk is because Dr. Wilson is a renowned specialist in the study and classification of meteorites.
Talk Abstract: The arrival of a meteorite in France, in April 1803, put an end to centuries of debate, whether rocks could fall from the sky. Two centuries later, the hybrid science of meteoritics has furnished extraordinary details, and provided a window into time and space, extending beyond the formation of the solar system, over 4.5 million years ago. Some 8.3% of all known mineral species have been found in meteorites. Whereas, in 1985, little more than 2,000 meteorites had been classified, the official total now exceeds 57,000 (with just 64 in Canada). A short, colourful review will serve as an introduction to meteorites and their parent bodies. This talk is not one to be missed, because the only thing rarer than a meteorite, is the opportunity to learn about them from a expert in meteoritics!
Following the main presentation(s) we will look at the “Sky This Month”. Be informed about the locations of the planets of the solar system. There will also be the usual opportunities to come and check out the PAA and all it has to offer, at no cost. This is an all ages meeting and the venue is barrier free. Also, you don’t need a telescope to belong, but a curious mind helps.