Are you interested in volunteering with IPM 2018…leading up to the IPM, during the event and/or clean-up afterwards? There are opportunities in many areas for everyone who is looking to help out with the IPM, including: lifestyles, education, entertainment, landscaping, horse plowing and tractor park, wagon tours, marketing, beautification contest, parking and traffic, corporate partners, sanitation, Queen of the Furrow, banquet, antiques…and so much more!
Friday, January 19: Ridgetown Library, 12 pm - 2 pm
Tuesday, January 23: Tilbury Library, 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Wednesday, February 7: Thamesville Library 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Friday, March 16: Wallaceburg Library, 11 am - 1 pm
Please contact us at ipm2018volunteers@gmail.com or 519-350-1686 with any questions.