Community Event - Sarnia - Roast Beef Dinner

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1516572000 1516658400


Tickets: $15 (children under 12, free). Available by calling the church office at 519-383-6933 or at the door.

St. Bartholomew’s Church
718 Cathcart Blvd. (across from Oak Acres)
N7V 2N5

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Sun County Lyme Awareness Support Group

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1517441400 1517446800

New to Lyme disease or know someone who has it?  Join us for an information sharing session at Colasanti's Tropical Gardens and learn what you need to know about this debilitating illness.  Our next meeting is on Wednesday, January 31st @ 6:30pm. 

Colasanti's Tropical Gardens
1550 Road 3 East
N9Y 2E5

Community Event - Sarnia - Trivia Fundraiser - CNIB - Sat Feb 3 -

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1517702400 1517713200

Trivia Fundraiser for CNIB - visually impaired of Sarnia Lambton at the Sarnia Legion on Sat Feb 3 from 7-10pm.  Cost is $30 per person, tables of 8 available.

Please contact me for more information to register or donate - 519-330-5319 or

Sarnia Legion
286 Front St N
N7T 5S&

Community Event - North Bay - Gateway Theatre Guild presents Other Desert Cities

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1518049800 1518057000
1518136200 1518143400
1518222600 1518229800
1518309000 1518316200

Other Desert Cities - Feb.7-10, 2018 at 7:30 pm

Reserve your tickets by calling: 705-358-1425; Emailing: or

Tickets: $20/adult; $15/student

Other Desert Cities is a family drama infused with humor and wit, political commentary, sharp dialogue and an affecting premise: The grown daughter, Brooke, a writer who has suffered a nervous breakdown, has just written a memoir about her life, her parents and their role in the tragic loss of her brother. But she has not told her parents, Polly and Lyman, of her plans to publish the memoir until the publication date nears while on a Christmas visit back home.

Baitz asks the question whether Brooke has a greater obligation to her family (who saved her during her darkest moments) or to the truth and to her work as a writer.

Widdifield Secondary School
320 Ski Club
P1B 7R2
North Bay