Community Event - Sarnia - Taoist Tai Chi Open House in Sarnia
An open house and demonstration of the Taoist Tai Chi arts will be held at the Lochiel Kiwanis Center. Admission is free. Come and learn how Taoist Tai Chi can improve your health.
An open house and demonstration of the Taoist Tai Chi arts will be held at the Lochiel Kiwanis Center. Admission is free. Come and learn how Taoist Tai Chi can improve your health.
Fun in the Sun
Beach Party Dance
Lochiel Kiwanis Centre
180N College Avenue North
When: Friday, January 12, 2018
Time: 7:00 to 10:00p.m.
Ages: 8 to 13 only please.
Cost: $5.00
Chase the winter blues away and come have some fun in the sun!! Dress in your favourite beach wear!!
Join in on the Limbo Contest!!
Please see if dance is full before dropping off your child.
Well supervised by: Boys and Girls Club Staff
Indoor line-ups in inclement weather
Professional D.J.
Door Prizes
Snacks Available
For more information please call: 519-337-3651
This group meets once a month on the first Wednesday of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for January 3rd from 7 to 9pm at the Brockville General Hospital, 42 Garden Street Site, 4th floor. Each month a new topic is presented to the participants. January's topic is "New Year's Resolutions for Grievers".
Description: Last Day for Witness – Canadian Art of the First World War Exhibition – Last day to tour the current exhibition, Witness - Canadian Art of the First World War at the JNAAG. This travelling exhibition from the Canadian War Museum is comprised of deeply personal testimonies and documentary records of the conflict. It explores how the First World War was documented in Canadian art, both at home and overseas. Stop by one last time before it closes on Sunday, January 7, 2018! Lambton at War exhibition is open until February 4th, 2018.
Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery
147 Lochiel Street
Sarnia, Ontario
N7T 0B4
Phone: 519-336-8127
Des exercices pour se détendre, favoriser le calme et la sérénité. Offert aux proches aidants, aux personnes atteintes de cancer et aux personnes endeuillées.
Café-rencontre pour les personnes en deuil organisé par PALLIACCO pour vous permettre de vous réunir et de partager votre vécu.
Café-rencontre pour les personnes en deuil organisé par PALLIACCO pour vous permettre de vous réunir et de partager votre vécu.
Thé réconfortant organisé par PALLIACCO, pour les personnes atteintes de cancer ou en rémission, pour échanger et partager.
Thé réconfortant organisé par PALLIACCO, pour les personnes atteintes de cancer ou en rémission, pour échanger et partager.
FOR PEOPLE SUFFERING WITH FIBROMYALGIA AND/OR CHRONIC FATIGUE, join our AquaFitness Group held at the Aqua Centre in Cornwall on Tuesdays and Fridays from Noon to 1 p.m. For more details, call Vickie Pollock at 613-537-8781 or Leona Pilon at 613-931-2874.