Community Event - Kingston - Claxton Cake

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1508950800 1508979600

Kingston Civitan members are selling the world most famous Claxton Fruit cake until December 20th or until we have sold all cakes.

Claxton Fruit Cake $6. per pound or a box for $18.00.

Call John Carr 613-547-0073    

602 Arbour Cres
602 Arbour Cres
K7M 8Y1

Community Event - Belleville - Wills and Powers of Attorney Workshop

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1510774200 1510779600

Belleville Public Library is pleased to welcome a lawyer representative from the Community Advocacy and Legal Centre who will come and speak about Wills and Powers of Attorney on Wed. Nov. 15 at 2:30pm. Please feel free bring questions to ask the lawyers. This free session requires no registration. For more information please call 613-968-6731 x2037.

Belleville Public Library
254 Pinnacle St.
K8N 3B1

Public Announcement - Kingston - Royal Canadian Legion Br. 560

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1508943600 1508990400

Poster & Literacy Contest Deadline is November 13th

Kindergarten to grade twelve are eligible to submit an entry

Registration/guidelines available from schools, Br. 560 Legion or the Legion website 

For further information contact Joan Campbell or Brenda Hartman: 613-548-4570

Community Event - Saint-Hyacinthe - CONFÉRENCE SUR LE BONHEUR

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1510705800 1510714800

Organisme qui se préoccupent de tous les membres de la famille  

Conférence "Les 5 lois non écrites et non scientifiques du bonheur", de Martin Larocque, le mardi 14 novembre à 19 h 30 à la salle Léon-Ringuet du CÉGEP, de St-Hyacinthe. CONFÉRENCE GRATUITE, STATIONNEMENT PAYANT.  Info: Lise Grenon, 450 773-1563       

GÉGEP de Saint-Hyacinthe
1900, rue Girouard Ouest
J2S 7B4

Community Event - Belleville - Belleville Club 39 Dances

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1510966800 1510981200

Belleville Club 39 dance at Belleville Club 39 Belleville  

Belleville Legion Br. 99
132 Pinnacle St. Belleville Ontb
k8n 4n1
Belleville Ont

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - 50 Years Of Harmony

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1509838200 1509845400


Join the Aces Of Harmony as they celebrate 50 Years Of Harmony with Special Guests Yonge Guns Quartet & Peterborough's Own Local Musician Danny Bronson On Saturday November 4th at Cephas Christian Reformed Church 220 Good Fellow Road Peterborough in support of Kawartha Food Share. Show Starts at 7:30pm. Tickets are $20.00 & Students are $10.00. Tickets are available from any member of the Aces Of Harmony Chorus as well at Maggie's Meat Market 1837 Landsdowne Street. West. and at Package Plus 171A Rink Street or call 1-705-741-2583 for more information or to purchase tickets.

Cephas Christian Reformed Church
220 Good Fellow Road , Peterborough, K9J 5Y6
K9J 5Y6

Community Event - Saint-Hyacinthe - VENTE DE PARTAGE

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1510408800 1510426800

Le cercle Sainte-Claire organise deux ventes à demi-prix, soit samedi le 11 novembre de 9h à 14h pour Noël, sans sacs verts, et mercredi le 15 novembre vente régulière, au sous-sol de l'église St-Joseph. Fermé de 12h à 12h30. Vente de sacs à 5$ de 12h30 à 14h.  Apportez vos sacs.

Sous-sol de l'église St-Joseph
885 St-Pierre Ouest
J2T 1N7

Community Event - Belleville - Belleville Club 39 Dances

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1509321600 1509336000

Club 39 Dance at Belleville Legion Br 99 132 Pinnacle st Music TopShelf

from 8pm to midnight on Friday Nov. 3rd lunch will be served

Belleville Legion Br. 99
132 Pinnacle St. Belleville Ont
k8p 4n3
Belleville Ont

Community Event - Saint-Hyacinthe - FADOQ ST-LIBOIRE

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1511712000 1511726400

Dîner des Fêtes le 26 novembre, à la salle des Chevaliers de Colomb. Repas traditionnel. Apportez votre vin. Info: 450 793-2912 ou 450 793-4512.

Salle des Chevaliers de Colomb
1655 Rang St-Édouard
J0H 1R0