Community Event - Chatham - Safe Treating in the Village
The Chatham-Kent Children's Safety Village is once again hosting our annual Safe Treating in the Village.
On Saturday, October 28 for $10 /family cash at door (no advance tix required this year).
Wear your (not-so-scary) costumes & come out to the Safety Village
- 21797 Fargo Rd. Blenheim, ON, N0P 1A0 -
between 11am & 2pm and SAFELY trick or treat with our community partners for lots of treats & no tricks!
CN's Li'l Obie will be there, a train ride for everyone through the park - A crowd favourite!
With activities for the kids such as cupcake decorating, crafts, games, a BBQ and the chance to win prizes you don't want to miss this event!
If you have any questions please feel free to call us at 519-360-1270. Hope to see you then!