Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Volunteers Always Welcome at YourTV Smiths Falls

Submitted by rharrison on
1508299200 1508385540
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1509076800 1509163140
1509249600 1509335940
1509422400 1509508740

Are you looking for something to do? Are you interested in being actively involved in your community? Would you like to learn more about television production? 

These opportunities are all waiting for you when you become a volunteer here at YourTV!

You can be behind the camera or on-camera or even somewhere in between as we have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities available with training provided. And for high school students volunteering at YourTV is a great way to fulfill your volunteer commitment. 

We welcome volunteers of all ages and we cover a wide variety of community events so why not contact us to find out more about what we have to offer at YourTV where we are Truly Local!

For more information you can reach us by:

Phone: 613-284-7760




We look forward to hearing from you real soon!!!




YourTV Smiths Falls
270 Brockville Street
K7A 5L4
Smiths Falls

Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Lasagna Lunch & Bid Euchre Sunday October 29

Submitted by rharrison on
1509292800 1509303600

Montague & District Senior Citizens Forget Me Not Club is hosting the following event:

Lasagna Lunch & Bid Euchre Tournament - Sunday October 29

12 pm homemade lasagna-salad-rolls-dessert all for only $10! A bid euchre tournament follows at 1 pm with the cost for entry $5; Come for lunch or cards or both. Phone 613-283-8482 for more information.

Montague Forget-Me-Not Club Hall
658 Rosedale Road South
K7A 4W6
Smiths Falls

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Riverside RCL Remembrance Dinner

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1509915600 1509930000

There will be a Country Style Remembrance Dinner on Sunday Nov 5th. Cocktails start at 4pm, dinner served at 5pm. The Entertainment will be provided by Clayton Moore Jr. Come out for a delicious dinner of roast beef, chicken, gravy, penne, roasted potatoes, vegetable, salad, buns, tea, coffee & dessert for $20.

All Br 255 Veterans will be provided with a complimentary meal. Catherine Johnson will be the guest speaker. Proper attire please. No jeans. Tickets now on sale at the branch. Please Get your tickets before Oct 31. We will not be selling tickets at the door or after this date for this event. Everyone is welcome. Call 519-945-2012 for more details. #windsor #yqg #remberanceday #remembrance

Riverside RCL BR 255
5645 Wyandotte Street East
N8S 1M4

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Riverside RCL BR 255 Remebrance Parade November 4

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1509813900 1509818400

The Riverside RCL Br 255 Remembrance Parade will be held on Nov 4th at 1pm at the Old Riverside arena sight ( across from the Riverside Metro.) where the Riverside Cenotaph is located. We will muster in the east parking lot at the arena sight at 12:45. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate. 

Riverside RCL BR 255
5645 Wyandotte Street East
N8S 1M4