Community Event - Belleville - Belleville Club 39 Dances
Belleville Club 39 dance at Belleville Club 39 Belleville
Belleville Club 39 dance at Belleville Club 39 Belleville
Le cercle Sainte-Claire organise deux ventes à demi-prix, soit samedi le 11 novembre de 9h à 14h pour Noël, sans sacs verts, et mercredi le 15 novembre vente régulière, au sous-sol de l'église St-Joseph. Fermé de 12h à 12h30. Vente de sacs à 5$ de 12h30 à 14h. Apportez vos sacs.
"A Fashion Show" sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary
Sunday, November 19th.....1pm to 4pm
Refreshments will be served
Tickets $12.00 at the door
Everyone welcome!
Club 39 Dance at Belleville Legion Br 99 132 Pinnacle st Music TopShelf
from 8pm to midnight on Friday Nov. 3rd lunch will be served
Dîner des Fêtes le 26 novembre, à la salle des Chevaliers de Colomb. Repas traditionnel. Apportez votre vin. Info: 450 793-2912 ou 450 793-4512.
Stop by the Brockville Public Library on Friday, November 24 or Saturday, November 25 from 9-4 each day to pick up some great handcrafted items or homemade baked goodies for the upcoming holiday season. Start your Christmas shopping early! Hosted by the Friends of the Brockville Public Library. Something for everyone!
(Please drop off donations of labelled and packaged baked goods at the Library on November Nov. 23. Thank you for your contributions.)
La Ville annonce le lancement de son infolettre mensuelle lui permettant de communiquer par courriels les actualités municipales. Inscrivez-vous au Système automatisé d'alerte, au, section Services au citoyen, Système automatisé d'alertes, afin de recevoir un courriel chaque mois.
Seaway Valley Community Health Centre is seeking volunteers to assist exercise leaders in support of our Balance for Life fitness/fall prevention classes. Be part of a fun, interactive program that will improve the health of our community. For more information call Corrie: 613-930-4892 ext. 152
Friday , November 3, 2017 CHICKEN DINNER Served from 5:00 to 7;00 p.m at the Moose Home, 874 Phillip Street, Sarnia, Ontario