Public Announcement - Sarnia - Family Sunday Red Dot Tour at the JNAAG on Oct. 29

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1509299100 1509300000

Description: Family Red Dot Tour – Join us every Sunday at 1:45PM for a FREE 15 minute drop-in tour of the current exhibition, Witness - Canadian Art of the First World War and Lambton At War! Each tour has been uniquely created to suit the particular flair of each docent, which include music, poetry, storytelling and more. Free, give what you can.


Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery

147 Lochiel Street

Sarnia, Ontario

N7T 0B4

Phone: 519-336-8127

Public Announcement - Sarnia - Family Sunday at the JNAAG on Oct. 29 from 1-3PM

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1509296400 1509303600

Description: Family Sunday Activity: Origami Boats – Engage, discover, and create every Sunday afternoon from 1:00–3:00PM. Learn a classic paper folding technique that has been used by children to make their own toy boats for almost one hundred years. Free. $5 Suggested Material Donation per family. Children must be accompanied by an adult.


Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery

147 Lochiel Street

Sarnia, Ontario

N7T 0B4

Phone: 519-336-8127

Public Announcement - Sarnia - LAST Stop and Share at the JNAAG on Oct 27.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1509116400 1509130800

Description: Stop and Share – For one last time, the Lambton Heritage Museum is setting up shop at the JNAAG for Stop and Share this Friday, October 27th! Many stories about the First and Second World War remain buried in the community–and we want you to Stop and Share. The Lambton Heritage Museum pop-up will be equipped with a scanner, camera, and recording station. Want to share? Bring objects like medals, clothing, and other ephemera to be photographed. If you have letters or historic photographs, we would like to scan them. And if you have a verbal story you want to share, we will record it.


Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery

147 Lochiel Street

Sarnia, Ontario

N7T 0B4

Phone: 519-336-8127

Public Announcement - Sarnia - Red Dot Tour at the JNAAG on Oct. 26, 2017 at 7PM

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1509058800 1509059700

Description: Red Dot Tour – Drop-in from 7:00-7:15PM on Thursday, October 26th for a FREE tour! Browse the gallery, find the red dot, and enjoy a stimulating 15-minute talk on a specific work of art and the intersecting topics that they explore. Led by our amazing Gallery Docents.


Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery

147 Lochiel Street

Sarnia, Ontario

N7T 0B4

Phone: 519-336-8127

Community Event - Saint-Hyacinthe - Portes ouvertes CRDSH

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1507989600 1508011200

Pour souligner son 30e anniversaire, de même que le 150e anniversaire du Canada et celui d’Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, le Centre de recherche et de développement de St-Hyacinthe vous invite à sa journée portes ouvertes.

Nos équipes de recherche vous ont préparé de nombreuses activités pour vous faire découvrir des aspects passionnants de la science agroalimentaire. Vous aurez la chance de voir ce que nos scientifiques font pour améliorer la préservation, le maintien de la qualité et la salubrité des aliments, ainsi que la transformation sûre et efficace de ces derniers.

Vous allez :

  • Visiter l’usine-pilote et les laboratoires de recherche
  • Découvrir les projets scientifiques visant la qualité, l’innocuité et la transformation des aliments
  • En apprendre sur les ingrédients ayant des bienfaits sur la santé
  • Comprendre le fonctionnement de l’estomac artificiel IViDiS
  • Connaître les étapes de l’analyse sensorielle
  • Assister à des conférences sur la science des aliments

Horaire des conférences:

11:00 : La science dans votre assiette, par Anne-Marie Desbiens, Chimiste, MBA la chimiste derrière le blogue La Foodie Scientifique
13:30 : Le secteur agroalimentaire : 600 fois plus efficace qu’à l’ère préhistorique, par Claude P. Champagne, Ph.D., chercheur scientifique au CRDSH

14:30 : Des aliments pour les astronautes en navette pour Mars, par Claude P. Champagne, Ph.D., chercheur scientifique au CRDSH

Nous vous attendons, beau temps, mauvais temps! Stationnement et entrée gratuits!

Centre de recherche et de développement de Saint-Hyacinthe
3600 Boulevard Casavant Ouest
J2S 8E3

Public Announcement - Sarnia - Family Sunday Red Dot Tour at the JNAAG on Oct. 22

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1508694300 1508695200

Description: Family Red Dot Tour – Join us every Sunday at 1:45PM for a FREE 15 minute drop-in tour of the current exhibition, Witness - Canadian Art of the First World War and Lambton At War! Each tour has been uniquely created to suit the particular flair of each docent, which include music, poetry, storytelling and more. Free, give what you can.


Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery

147 Lochiel Street

Sarnia, Ontario

N7T 0B4

Phone: 519-336-8127

Public Announcement - Sarnia - Family Sunday at the JNAAG on Oct. 22 from 1-3PM

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1508691600 1508698800

Description: Family Sunday Activity: Medals – Engage, discover, and create every Sunday afternoon from 1:00–3:00PM. Make a medal for the hero in your life. Free. $5 Suggested Material Donation per family. Children must be accompanied by an adult.


Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery

147 Lochiel Street

Sarnia, Ontario

N7T 0B4

Phone: 519-336-8127

Public Announcement - Sarnia - Guided Tour at the JNAAG on Oct. 21, 1:30-2:15PM

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1508607000 1508609700

Description: Guided Tour – Join us from 1:30-2:15PM on Saturday, October 21st for a FREE guided tour of the current exhibition, Witness - Canadian Art of the First World War and Lambton At War! Each tour has been uniquely created to suit the particular flair of each docent, which include music, poetry, storytelling and more. Registration required. Free, give what you can.


Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery

147 Lochiel Street

Sarnia, Ontario

N7T 0B4

Phone: 519-336-8127

Public Announcement - Sarnia - Art & Ideas Talk at the JNAAG on Oct. 19 at 7PM

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1508454000 1508459400

Description: In the Service of War: the Artists and Photographs of the First World War with Dr. Joanne Stober – This talk will examine the roles of the Canadian War Memorials Fund (CWMF) and Canadian War Records Office (CWRO), and the use of art and photography during the First World War. Non-members $20 (+tax), members discount contact JNAAG. Registration required. Spaces are limited.


Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery

147 Lochiel Street

Sarnia, Ontario

N7T 0B4

Phone: 519-336-8127

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - MacLeod Fiddlers at Mallorytown United Church

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1508542200 1508547600

Help us celebrate our 141st Anniversary at our musical evening, Friday Oct 20th at 7:30, featuring the MacLeod Fiddlers, a Scottish youth group from Glengarry County. Adults $12, and children under 12 get in free.  Advanced tickets $10 available, call 613-923-5974. Located at the Mallorytown United Church, 1505 County Road #2 Mallorytown ON. K0E 1R0

Mallorytown United Church
1505 County Road 2