Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Free Adult Bicycle Safety Course

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1713067200 1713153540

Want to freshen up your cycling skills for 2024?
Getting back into cycling? Want to ride with greater confidence?

Bike Niagara will be providing a free bicycle safety course geared to adults who would like to brush up on their bicycle riding skills. The goal of this initiative is to provide adult bike riders the skills to ride their bikes safely and confidently. 

Two Niagara Venues in Pelham – Registration Required

1 In-Class Presentation - Meridian Community Centre, Gary Accursi Rm. B, 100 Meridian
Way, Fonthill, Sat. May 25, 2024, 10:00am to noon
2 On-Bike handling skills – Parking lot, Bethany Church, 1040 Balfour Street, Fenwick,
Sat. June 1, 2024 (rain date June 8th) 10:00am to noon
Registration – Contact Dave Hunt, Safe Cycling Instructor, Bike Niagara, 905-892-4773,
Focused on adults (14 yrs. and older) who want to enhance their cycling skills and
knowledge. Families welcomed, youths under 14 years accompanied by an adult.

Bonus: Take both courses and receive a 1-year membership in the Niagara
Freewheelers Bicycle Touring Club (for new members, value: $30)

Community Event - Burlington/Oakville - Gardeners: Margaret Larson: “Magnificent Monarchs”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1718231400 1718240400

Gardeners of Burlington presents guest speaker Margaret Larson: “Magnificent Monarchs”. Please come and join a friendly group of amateur gardeners interested in learning more about all aspects of gardening.

Margaret Larson is a conservationist who works to increase the population of monarch butterflies. She collects monarch butterfly eggs from milkweed plants, watches over the caterpillars as they develop and then releases them back into the wild when they emerge from their cocoons as butterflies. Larson also works with volunteers to conserve the milkweed plant, a key source of food for the monarch. She speaks at schools and community centres to educate others about the importance of environmentalism.

Room 3, Burlington Seniors Centre,
2285 New St.,
L7R 1J4

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Essex ON Ancestors April Webinar: Tue Apr 9, 7pm

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1712703600 1712707200

Tuesday, April 9, 7:00 pm – Religious Repositories

Religious institutions are rich in local and familial historical records.  Dez Nacario, Archivist for the Anglican Diocese of Huron, presents research services available to genealogists in religious institutions using Anglican records as an example.

Free & open to everyone!

Join us online via Zoom.  Register for link on our website:

940 Prince Road
N9C 2Z5

Community Event - Quinte - Adult Chess Club at Belleville Library

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1713216600 1713223800

Belleville Public Library's Adult Chess Club is for ages 18 and up. The club meets every second Monday (bi-weekly) at 5:30pm. Bring your own chess board or borrow one from the library and meet with fellow chess players for a friendly game. All skill levels are invited to this informal, self-led program. 

To register call (613) 968-6731 ext. 2037 or email Drop ins are welcome, but we encourage you to register if you'd like notifications about any updates or weather related cancellations. 


Belleville Public Library
254 Pinnacle Street
K8N 3B1

Public Notices/Announcements - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Rain Barrel and Garden Fundraiser May 11, 2024

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1715436000 1715450400

Our Rain Barrel Pickup day is now a Garden Fundraiser!  If you come between 10 am and 2 pm we will have some other great garden additions to get you growing.  Proceeds support REAL’s monarch gardens on the REAL Deal site and at Town Square. 

Rain Barrels. We recommend you preorder (and pay) for your rain barrel online at by May 3.  Basic barrels are $65.  This is your chance to get other styles, colours or replacement parts directly from the company.  After May 11, we will have some basic grey and terracotta barrels for sale through the REAL Deal Store, but when they are gone that will be it for the year.  To order, go to Rain page or contact Lauralee at (613) 283-3069 or

Native Plants and Perennials.  We will  have a large selection of native plants and perennials from Grow Wild in Omemee.  We will be able to provide a list soon, but we will not be taking  pre-orders.   

Tree Saplings.  We will have a selection of bare root tree saplings from Ferguson Forest Centre in Kemptville for sale as well!

Seeds.  The Monarch Garden team collected seeds from REAL’s gardens in the Fall of 2023, and have packaged them up for sale.  

Mushroom Compost.  Trinity United Church will be back selling mushroom compost to benefit their projects, starting on May 11.  For details contact Jan Montgomery

More about the Barrels.  The rain barrels come from, a Hamilton company that specializes in running fundraisers for various organizations.  They use recycled, food grade barrels, so you know they are safe for your plants.  Rain barrels are used to collect water from a downspout, conserving water for dry periods.  Plants thrive on the air temperature, chlorine free water.   A variety of colours and styles are available.    Each barrel comes with a filter basket, overflow and interconnectivity outlet, overflow hose, nipple and spigot, which you can easily attach yourself.  Be prepared to sit your barrel on some bricks, blocks or a platform so you can get a bucket under the tap. If you already have one rain barrel, please note you can interconnect multiple rain barrels to ensure you don’t waste a drop when it rains.

Payment.  Please bring cash for the May 11 sale.  You can prepay online for the barrels with debit, MC or Visa, but if you are paying the day of pickup, please bring cash also. 

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Then Sings My Soul Concert

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1713652200 1713659400

Cambridge Street Baptist Church presents a concert featuring “Rescue Junction”. Saturday, April 20th at 6:30 pm. 28 Cambridge St N, Lindsay.

Our next pipe organ restoration fundraiser.

Please contact 705-878-1418 for further information. 

Cambridge St Baptist Church
28 Cambridge St N
K9V 4C5

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Erie Wildlife Rescue Indoor Yard & Bake Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1714226400 1714287600

This Indoor yard & bake sale is held to raise funds to help abandoned & injured wildlife in our area.

EWR receives No Government Funding so relies on these events to maintain their programs & carry out their mandate.

We thank Your TV for helping us reach out to the community to spread the word.

This event is held indoors selling items & baked goods . All volunteer help.

Erie Wildlife Rescue
11168 Tecumseh Road E.
N8R 1A8