Community Event - Burlington/Oakville - Free & Joyful - The Festival of INNER Lights

Submitted by lhenry1 on
1702231200 1702238400

Free & Joyful - The Festival of INNER Lights

Get ready to feel like a light among other lights! Celebrating with You our 150+ Seeds of Joy planted this year, at the magnificent Art Gallery of Burlington. An enlightening collective experience, with guided meditation for Mother Earth and other special moments Featuring joyful live music from Asia and Europe, including Diwali & Christmas carols and a Métis dance performance. Iranian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Romanian, Indian Artists from Canada will be joining from Montreal and York region on Ontario. Free and Open to all -- With surprises and special guests.  Our volunteers are excited to celebrate the 100 Year milestone for Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network and the 150 Year milestone for the City of Burlington together.


Art Gallery of Burlington
1333 Lakeshore Rd.
L7S 1A9