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Smiths Falls Second Scouting
- 100 Women who Care
- 1st Smiths Falls Guides and...
- 2022 International Plowing...
- 211 Assistance
- 95 Legion
- Ability Dogs
- Accessibility
- Adirondack Chair Company
- Adirondack Chairs
- Adrianna Foster
- Adrianna Michelle
- Adult Learning
- Alexandra Sullivan
- Alexandra Sullivan Music
- All Candidates Forum
- Alzheimer Society
- Alzheimer's Awareness Month
- Alzheimer's Society
- Alzheimers
- Amelia Ritchie
- Andrea Chamberlan Hunt
- Andrew Snook
- Angelman Syndrome Awareness...
- Angie Beaupre
- Anna Goodings Connect Well...
- Annual Golf Tournament
- April 14-23
- Aquatarium
- Arts and Culture
- Arts and Culture Council
- Awareness Month
- Baked Goods
- Barb Boysen
- Barks and Brews
- Bayfield Manor
- Berry picking
- Beth Donovan Hospice
- Beth Donovan House
- Big Brothers
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Big Brothers Big Sisters WAK...
- Big Brothers Big Sisters...
- Bike Safety
- Bike Shop
- Birthday parades
- Blitzen Morgan
- Bowl for Kids
- Brain Aneurysm Month
- Breast cancer
- Brent Whiten
- Bridget Manahan
- Brockville Braves
- Brookies Cookies
- Bruce Robinson
- Build a Mountain of Food
- Build a Mountain of Food -...
- Burning Passions
- Buskerfest
- C'est Tout Bakery
- Cahl Pominville
- Canadian Senator
- Cancer
- Carbon Monoxide
- Cessation coordinator
- Charlene Catchpole
- Charli Kettyle
- Charlie A'Court
- Children's Resources on Wheels
- Christmas
- Chuckles Jack Patio Open
- Cogeco
- Communities In Bloom
- Community Church
- Community Hero
- Community Home Support
- Community living
- Community Living Lanark
- Community Living Month
- Community Living North...
- Community Policing
- Community Services Officer
- Community Services Officer...
- Comodus Boxing
- Conservation Authority
- Cooking With Joe
- Cornerstone Landing
- Covid-19
- Covid-19, YourTV, FYI, Kathy...
- Critical Thinking
- Crockpot lasagna
- Cycling Without Age
- Darts
- Debra Keuhl
- Deron Johnston
- Diabetes Awareness Month
- Diablo Manor
- Diana Fisher
- Dickson
- Diego Arvelo
- Disc golf
- Diversity Days
- Document Your Quilt!
- Dr. Shelley Ball
- Ear Savers
- Easter Seals
- Easter Seals Ambassador
- Equestrian Vaulter
- Erin Lee
- Face masks
- Fairs
- Falling Into Now
- Family & Children's Services...
- Family Day
- Femicide
- Ferguson Forest Centre
- Festival of the Maples
- Fight COVID
- Finn Van Der Linden
- Fire Prevention
- Firefighters
- Fishing for mental health
- Foodsmiths Perth
- Foundation
- Free prom dresses
- Furry Tales Animal Rescue
- FYI, Kathy Botham, COVID-19,...
- Gayle Grass
- Girl Guides
- Glen Murray
- Good Deeds Cup
- Good Food Box
- Hannah Lindsay
- Happy Lung-Aversary
- Health Care
- Healthy eats
- Hearing Solutions
- Heart month
- Heart to Heart Quilts Lanark...
- Heart transplant
- Heritage
- Heritage House
- Heritage House Museum
- Hey Day
- Hockey
- Holiday Train
- Home
- Home show
- Hometown News
- Horizon Kinesis Club
- Ian Treasures
- Ilan Treasures
- IPM 2022
- It Takes a Village
- Jacob McLean
- Jacqueline Marie Photography
- Jacqui Bowick-Sandor
- Jessica Lavalle
- Jessica Lilley
- Jill Turnbull
- Jo Finley
- Joanna Kowalczyk
- Joanne Finley
- John Dorsch appears on Music...
- Johnny Vandusen
- Julia Bobiak
- Kathy Botham
- Kaylan Looby
- KDH Celebrates 60 years
- Kemptville
- Kemptville Campus
- Kemptville Disc Golf
- Kemptville District Hospital
- Kemptville Ontario
- Kemptville Seniors Activity...
- Kemptville Stress Relief...
- Kemptville Youth Centre
- Kemptville Youth Programs
- Khloe B
- Kid Fish Perth
- Kidney donation
- Kilmarnock Orchards
- Kinsmen
- Kurtis Adamus
- Lanark Alzheimer's Society
- Lanark County
- Lanark County Interval House
- Language Express
- LAV III Memorial Smiths Falls
- Leah Hicks
- Leanne Brennan Langdon
- Leeds Grenville Lanark...
- Legion
- Leilani Farha
- Letters To Santa
- Linda McKenna
- Live Theatre
- Local music
- local performers
- Logan Boulet Effect
- Lombardy Agricultural Society
- Lombardy Fair
- Lynette Wilson
- MacNificents Celtic Band
- Major Laurie Reilly
- Maple season
- Maple Syrup
- March
- March Break
- Margo Smith
- Marilyn Thomas Fresh and...
- Mark Darrah
- Mattheu Frache
- Matthew Runaway
- Melissa Verch
- Mental health
- Merry and Bright Program
- Michael Drysdale
- Mighty Valley Coffee
- Minor Football
- Mobile Crisis Response
- Monica Cleland
- Mother's Day
- Municipal Housing in Smiths...
- Music in the Park
- Music Volume
- Musician
- Naomie Family Resource Centre
- Nathanael Flynn
- Norm Doucette
- North Grenville
- North Grenville Deputy Mayor
- North Pole
- Nurse Practitioner
- Old Town Kemptville
- Ontario Lockdown
- Ontario Maple Syrup
- Ontario Special Olympics
- Open Doors Lanark children...
- OPP Recruitment
- Organ Donation Month
- Organizational Health Index...
- Ottawa
- Outerbridge Clockwork...
- Oxford Thrift Store
- Paddlefest
- Pandemic
- Parkinson
- Parkinson's Awareness Month
- Parkinson's Superspiel
- Pat and Lily Willis
- Pauline Aunger
- Perth
- Perth and District Union...
- Perth and Smiths Falls...
- Perth Community Choir
- Perth DBA
- Perth Enrichment Program
- Perth Farmers Market
- Perth Fire Chief Trevor Choffe
- Perth Library
- Perth Lioness Club
- Perth Ontario
- Perth Physio
- Perth Studio Theatre
- Perth Union Library
- Perth Women's Health and...
- Pickled Pig
- Polar Plunge
- Politics
- Powered by volunteers
- Prader Willi Association
- Prader-Willi Syndrome
- Pride
- Pride Month
- Project KITES
- Public Library
- Purse Project
- PWS everyday
- Quilting
- Rachel Warkentin Music
- Rainbow 101
- Raise the Curtains
- Rally in Support of...
- Recreation Open House
- Refinishing Furniture
- Remembering Gerald
- Remembrance Day
- Reverend Jill Turnbull
- Rideau
- Rideau Canal
- Rideau Community Health...
- Rideau Lakes Library...
- Rideau Paddle Fest
- Rideau Tackle
- RNJ Youth Services
- Ron Bruss
- Royal Canadian Legion
- Royal Canadian Legion Branch...
- Rural summit
- Ryan Bonfield
- Ryan's Well
- Sandra Burelli
- Sauce
- Senior Support Services
- Seniors Expo
- Servicing
- SFDCI Rugby
- Shawn Pankow
- Shea Angus
- Sherry Laming
- Shoreline
- Shout Sister Choir
- Shout Sisters Choir
- Skate the Lake
- Skate The Lake 2023
- SMA Karate Brockville
- Smiths Falls
- Smiths Falls Bears
- Smiths Falls Build a Mountain...
- Smiths Falls Chamber of...
- Smiths Falls Committe of the...
- Smiths Falls Council
- Smiths Falls Council - COW...
- Smiths Falls Council February...
- Smiths Falls Council January...
- Smiths Falls Council June 17...
- Smiths Falls Council March...
- Smiths Falls Council,...
- Smiths Falls Council...
- Smiths Falls Curling & Squash
- Smiths Falls Economic...
- Smiths Falls Food Bank
- Smiths Falls Food Hub
- Smiths Falls Heritage House
- Smiths Falls Heritage House...
- Smiths Falls Horticultural...
- Smiths Falls Hospital...
- Smiths Falls Police
- Smiths Falls Police Cheif
- Smiths Falls Police Constable...
- Smiths Falls Police Service...
- Smiths Falls Public Library
- Smiths Falls Railway Museum
- Smiths Falls Rideaus
- Smiths Falls Salvation Army
- Smiths Falls Second Scouting
- Smiths Falls Seniors Activity...
- Smiths Falls Settlers
- Smiths Falls Sky Volleyball...
- Smiths Falls Station Theatre
- Smiths Falls Toastmasters
- Smiths Falls Town Council &...
- Smiths Falls Town Council COW...
- Smiths Falls Town Council,...
- Smiths Falls Town Council...
- Smiths Falls Welcomes Ukraine
- Socks for the Homeless
- Soup Fest
- Speakers Podium
- St. John Anglican Church
- Stacey Lavergne
- Stay Safe
- Stewart Park Festival
- Story Walk
- Student Transportation
- Studio Theatre in Perth
- Studio Theatre Perth
- Table Community Food Bank
- Terrilee Kelford
- Thank you
- The Admirable Crichton
- The Barrel Boys Christmas...
- The CCHL Tonight - Bears vs...
- The Dancing Chef
- The Heritage House
- The Nutcracker
- The Power of saying hello
- The Smiths Falls...
- Ticket Please
- Tiny homes
- Torch Run
- Toronto Maple Leafs Alumni
- Total Athlete Basketball Camp
- Town of Perth
- Town of Smiths Falls
- Toys
- Treff Peters
- Trinity United Church
- Truly Local
- Turnout Stables
- Vincent Bishop
- Volunteers make a difference
- Water bottle collection
- Wayne Adams
- Westminster Church
- Whiskey tasting
- Women who care
- Work Matters
- Yoga in the Park
- Your Vote
- YourTV
- YourTV, Smiths Falls Council,
- Youth Bowling
- 2024 Shorty Jenkins Classic
- Auto Experts
- CCHL Tonight; The
- COGECO Ontario Mixed Curling...
- COVID-19 Update Smiths...
- Critical Thinking
- Hockey Day In The OHL
- Music Volume
- Ontario Curling Championships
- Perth Council
- Readers Corner
- Smiths Falls Council
- Speakers Podium
- Star Awards 2018
- The Dancing Chef
- YourTV Remembers
Smiths Falls Second Scouting
Colleen Looby from the Smiths Falls Second Scouting group speaks with Kathy on this week's edition of FYI.