Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561303800 1561314600

The Champlain Trail Museum and Pioneer Village would like to invite you to our annual Strawberry Social on Sunday, June 23rd at 11:30AM-2:30PM. This sweet event attracts families in the community to the museum for a lovely afternoon chalk full of strawberries, ice cream and cake as well as various historical demonstrations and activities offered on site. Entertainment by local group "The COuntry Classics". Tickets are $10 for adults, $4 for children under 9, or $8 if you are a member of the Champlain Trail Museum/OVHS. Tickets are available in advance at the Museum or online via PayPal.

Champlain Trail Museum & Pioneer Village
1032 Pembroke St. East
K8A 6Z2

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Erie Shores Hospice LifeWalk Sunday, June 9

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560083400 1560099600

The 3rd Annual Erie Shores Hospice LifeWalk is Sunday, June 9 at Seacliff Park in Leamington!
Check-in from 8:30-9:30AM, Walk begins at 10:00AM.

All proceeds will support wellness programs at the NEW Erie Shores Hospice Welcome Centre.

Bring your family and friends to enjoy a 5km walk around the trails in celebration of those we've loved and lost. Including a special performance by the Kingsville-Essex Associated Band.

We request that each adult walker collect a minimum of $50 in pledges to participate.

Seacliff Park, Leamington
Forest Avenue
N8H 3X8

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Fashion Show & Strawberry & Ice Cream Social

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561222800 1561230000

St. Paul's Presbyterian Church will be hosting a Fashion Show & Strawberry & Ice Cream Social to raise funds for the Sponsor Child of the Christian Education Committee.  Come and bring a friend and enjoy the fashions by YOU Beauty & Fashions.  Admission is $8 at the door.  If you would like tickets in advance call 705-745-1411.

St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, c/o The Mount Community Centre
1545 Monaghan Road
K9J 5N3
Peterborough, Ontario

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Ham and Strawberry Supper

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559920860 1559920920

Northminster United Church 300 Sunset Bv.  June 27th. Sittings at 4:45 and 6:00.  Call 748-4881 to reserve. $15.  6-12 $6.00 under 6 - free.  Wheelchair accessible.

Northminster United Church
300 Sunset Bv.
K9H 5L3

Événement communautaire - Salaberry-de-Valleyfield - Bénévolat communautaire

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1563163200 1563249540

Vous avez du temps à offrir? Vous pourriez aider des organismes de la communauté pour la réalisation de leurs activités régulières ou événements particuliers. Visitez le aux bénévoles/Offres de bénévolat dans la communauté. Plus de 20 offres y sont affichées. 450 373-2111

Centre d'action bénévole de Valleyfield
95, rue Salaberry
J6T 2H5

Événement communautaire - Drummondville - Fête d'ouverture

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560452400 1560474000

Le parc Lucien-Couture s'est refait une beauté, venez fêter l'évènement avec nous!  Le jeudi 13 juin à compter de 15 h 00.  Musique et animation sur place, jeux (pétanque, barre à bolas, poches babette, etc.), cantine ($) : hot-dogs, beans, etc.  Entrée gratuite, apportez vos chaises et vos consommations.

Infos: Annie 819-477-4475 p. 202

Parc Lucien-Couture
Coin St-Damase et 11ème Avenue
J2B 3T3

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - FREE Summer Concert at Lakewood Park in Tecumseh

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562731200 1562817540
1563123600 1563130800

Bring your blankets and lawn chairs and enjoy a FREE concert at Lakewood Park in Tecumseh. On Sunday July 14th, 2019 from 1pm - 3pm, come join Leave Those Kids Alone.

The group is the area's youngest classic rock band, playing hit songs written decades before they were even born! From age 8 to 15, this quartet (accompanied by a multitasking roadie / bass player / manager / Dad) are ready to Rock!

For more information please contact the Tecumseh Parks & Recreation Office at 519-735-4756.

Community Event - Belleville - Jazz at the Junction: Harry Vetro Northern Ranger

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560294000 1560303000

Enjoy an evening of original jazz compositions by Harry Vetro and Northern Rangers inspired by his travels coast to coast to six of our Indigenous cultural areas. 

Harry Vetro on drums, Jillian McKenna on upright bass, Nelson Moneo on violin and Noah -Nolan on piano.

Admission: a mere $15 for this fabulous quartet. Jazz at the Junction:  Where musicians & music lovers meet!

West Ferris Legion
30 Legion Drive, North Bay
North Bay

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Free Summer Concert in the Park

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562472000 1562526000
1562126400 1562212740

Bring your blankets and lawn chairs and enjoy a FREE concert in the park on Sunday, July 7th from 1pm - 3pm with The Dale Butler Band.

Located at Lakewood Park in Tecumseh at the WFCU Square.

For more information please contact the Tecumseh Parks & Recreation Office at 519-735-4756.