Avis public - Hawkesbury (Français) - Premier Pardon des Petits de 2e Année
30 mars à 15h30. La Paroisse St-Jean-Baptiste de L’Orignal.
30 mars à 15h30. La Paroisse St-Jean-Baptiste de L’Orignal.
New to tablets and smartphones? Learn how to use tablets and smartphones to build the skills needed to use handheld devices and explore its application independently. Course topics include: The Basics, Apps, Getting Online, Communication & Social Media, and Security. The course is ideal for people with limited experience using a tablet or smartphone.
This new course starts April 8th. Class runs Mondays and Wednesdays 1 to 4pm for 6 weeks. For more information or to register, call 613-932-7161.
Sensible aux enjeux planétaires et passionnée de développement personnel durable, Chlorophylle38 cherche activement l’âme sœur sur les sites de rencontre. Avec candeur et un idéalisme hilarant, elle nous confie ses démarches infructueuses, ses aspirations amoureuses et son rêve d’épanouissement.
· Une caricature désopilante de la femme yoga–bio-végane 2.0
· Un portrait décapant de la frénésie de performance contemporaine
· Un spectacle bienveillant... qui ne manque pas de mordant !
« Son humour est poétique et sa poésie est drôle. Profond et hilarant! »
Vidéos et blagues sur
Come on out to The Moose Lodge and enjoy FREE admission to our Motown Extravaganza!! Featuring DJ Sean Robbins. Food is available for purchase.
Come dressed in your best Motown inspired clothes for a chance to win a prize !! Listen to awesome Motown music and enjoy Susan O'Neils creative decorations
to create that Motown Feel.
Independent Living Centre Kingston is hosting it's annual Spring Swing Dance and Silent Auction featuring the LaSalle Causeway Swing Band. The event will be held on March 23rd, 2019 at the Royal Canadian Legion 560 located at 734 Montreal St. from 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm. All proceeds from the event and silent auction will benefit programs and services at Independent Living Centre Kingston. Tickets are $15 ea. or $25/couple and can be purchased by contacting 613-542-8353 or email: araposo@ilckingston.com
Proceeds to be used for sponsoring a Hearing Ear Dog or other service projects.
Doors open at 12:15 p.m. Games start at 1 p.m. Sharp
Cash Prizes - Raffles
$5.00 per person in advance from any Quota Member