Community Event - Sarnia - Seated Length & Strength - Twin Bridges NPLC

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1715717700 1715720400

​​​​​This beginner level class will include a combination of seated (80%) and standing (20%) exercises to increase strength and improve posture and balance. Suitable for those new to exercise and those just returning back to exercise.

Please bring indoor shoes & water.

Resistance bands will be provided.


Register at


Twin Bridges Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic - Program Room
Twin Bridges Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic
N7T 2M9

Community Event - Sarnia - Evening Gentle Yoga - Twin Bridges NPLC

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1715121900 1715124600

A beginner-intermediate level yoga program. Exercises will be performed both on a mat and on the floor. Each session will include a combination of exercises to improve alignment, flexibility, balance and strength.

**Please bring your own yoga mat and water.**

NOTE: you must be able to kneel and get up and down from the floor in order to participate in this class.


Register at


Twin Bridges Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic - Program Room
Twin Bridges Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic
N7T 2M9

Community Event - Sarnia - Chair Yoga - Twin Bridges NPLC

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1715004000 1715007600

A beginner-intermediate level yoga program. Exercises will be performed both on a mat and on the floor. Each session will include a combination of exercises to improve alignment, flexibility, balance and strength.

**Please bring your own yoga mat and water.**

NOTE: you must be able to kneel and get up and down from the floor in order to participate in this class.


Register at

**NO Classes on Victoria Day - May 20th**

Twin Bridges Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic - Program Room
Twin Bridges Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic
N7T 2M9

Community Event - Sarnia - Chair Yoga - Twin Bridges NPLC

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1715009400 1715012100

This is a beginner-level yoga program. Classes will begin with a short (optional) standing portion and then all remaining exercises will be performed seated in a chair. Each session willinclude a combination of exercises to improvecirculation, balance, joint mobility and strength.

No experience necessary.

Please bring non-slip indoor shoes and water.

Register at

**No Classes on Victoria Day - May 20th**

Twin Bridges Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic - Program Room
Twin Bridges Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic
N7T 2M9

Community Event - Muskoka - Free Compost Giveaway

Submitted by sacton on
1713787200 1713816000

The Town of Bracebridge will be offering free compost in honour of Earth Day in partnership with the District Municipality of Muskoka.

Free Compost Giveaway
Date: Monday, April 22 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: Gostick Park, 51 Sellens Avenue (at the rear entrance off of Donald Street)
Bring a container and shovel to pick-up a supply of compost that can be used to help bring your lawn and garden back to life after the long winter months. Compost is available for Bracebridge residents only, with one visit per vehicle with a loading time limit of 15 minutes.

Compost will be available on a first come, first served basis while supply lasts. When on-site, please keep vehicle idling to a minimum.

Clean Muskoka Together
Help keep Muskoka beautiful. This Earth Month, gather your friends and family to form a team to do some spring cleaning in the community. Participate in the District Municipality of Muskoka’s year-round Clean Muskoka Together community litter clean-up program and receive all of the materials needed to get started including gloves and bags. Register your team today!

Gostick Park
51 Sellens Ave

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Chatham LaSertoma Quarterless Auction Fundraiser!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1714237200 1714248000

Join Chatham LaSertoma for an unforgettable afternoon at their Quarterless Auction Fundraiser! Admission is $5 and includes access to auction items, door prizes, and a 50/50 raffle. April 27th, 1-4pm at the WISH Centre.

Community Event - Sarnia - Feeling Groovy: The Brain-Food Connection - Twin B

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1715882400 1715889600
1716487200 1716494400

Feeling Groovy: The Food-Brain Connection

Join us for an exploration into the latest research on how to fuel your brain and feel your best.

Group discussion and lecture format. 


Please register at

Twin Bridges Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic - Program Room
Twin Bridges Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic
N7T 2M9

Community Event - Niagara - Indoor/Outdoor Flea Market & BBQ

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1714827600 1714842000

Join Friends Over 55 Recreation Centre on Saturday, May 4 from 9 am to 1 pm for our annual Flea Market at 554 Fielden Avenue, Port Colborne. Vendors inside & out, selling a variety of household items, crafts, jewelry, Scentsy, comic book collectibles, tools and so much more. BBQ starts around 11 am, burgers, hotdogs, sausage & much more. Find a unique gift for mom, Mother's Day isn't far away. 

Friends Over 55 Recreation Centre
554 Fielden Avenue
L3K 4V1
Port Colborne