Community Event - Niagara - Training Active Bystanders (TAB) Free Workshop

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The Training Active Bystanders (TAB) program helps participants recognize when they are bystanders, analyze situations, and evaluate the consequences for everyone
involved. TAB heightens bystanders’ power. It teaches how bystanders can interrupt harm doing and generate positive actions by others. Active bystandership does not mean aggression against the harm doer. It means taking responsible action to help people in need instead of remaining passive and becoming complicit. Bystanders gain the competencies they need if they decide to take action when they witness something they feel is unfair, or wrong, or troubling.

This FREE, virtual training workshop is open to Niagara community members. The workshop is November 8, 2022, 1:30 PM-4:00 PM.

If you are interested in participating in this free, virtual training workshop, please email or call 905-641-9960 Ext. 6103 or Ext. 6159 to register. Space is limited, however additional community interest will determine waitlists for future workshops.

Free Virtual Training Workshop
234 Bunting Road
L2M 3Y1
St. Catharines