Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Bedford United Church Christmas Bazaar

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1667275200 1667361540

November 19th from 9a-3p. Many items to choose from. Lunch served from 11a-2p, $8.00 per adult/$5.00 under 12 years.  Bedford is fully accessible with lots of parking off Russell St.  We can't wait to welcome you!  3340 Sandwich St.  519-256-1131


Bedford United Church
3340 Sandwich St
N9C 1B3

Community Event - Sarnia - Lambton Branch Ontario Ancestors October Meeting

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1665702000 1665707400

October 13, 2022 - 7 pm

Speaker: Donna Bjore-"My 2022 Irish Palatine Trip - Never Give Up The Search"

In-Person: LDS Church, 1400 Murphy Rd., Sarnia, Ontario

On-Line: register at or email

Meetings are free and open to the public - all welcome

LDS Church or on-line Zoom Meeting
1400 Murphy Rd
N7S 5P6

Community Event - North Bay - Youth Peer Support Training Program (ages 12-18)!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1664222400 1664251200

Callout to our North Bay & area youth! Please share to your colleagues, networks, community members, and youth!

On Wednesday, Sept. 28th, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Lived Experience & Recovery Network (LERN) Staff will be at Outloud North Bay (123 Delaware Ave), as we will be hosting an drop-in session for anyone that is wanting to know more info, meet the trainers, and/or have questions, about the Youth Peer Support Training Program that Lived Experience & Recovery Network (LERN) will be offering, starting Oct. 18!

Applications are due by Monday, October 3rd, 2022. However, we do accept late submissions to add to our waitlist! 

In partnership with Centre for Innovation in Peer Support, Lived Experience and Recovery Network (LERN) is pleased to offer comprehensive, best practices peer support training, Peer Support Core Competencies Training for youth, our second cohort!

Do you have and/or know someone with lived experienced within mental health and substance use, and want to share your support & connection amongst your peers? Please read further on how to join us to become a trained Peer Support ambassador, in our Youth Peer Support Training program (ages 12 – 18)!

Lived Experience and Recovery Network (LERN) is grateful for the partnership we have been given with Seth, at OUTLoud North Bay, and Centre for Innovation in Peer Support to provide this training! This training is free to attend for successful applicants.

Ontario Trillium Foundation – Grow Grant Project: This project is a Peer Support Training Program, for youth, along with an internship delivered to youth, with lived experience of mental health challenges and/or substance use problems.

This training program will empower youth to take on leadership roles within their peers’ communities, helping themselves and others in their own recovery and wellness. Once trained, these Youth Peer Supporters will be partnered with community agencies to offer peer support, completing their internship while also contributing to their volunteer hours required for graduation. As a result, this project will create meaningful engagement of youths within the community.

If interested in attending this training, all individuals must: **Complete the application form (successful candidates will be contacted) by October 3, 2022:

Application can be submitted by:
 -Google Application Form:
- In-person: OUTLoud to Seth Compton, 123 Delaware Ave, North Bay
-Be between the ages of 12 – 18
 -Each applicant is responsible to provide their own transportation to and from the venue for each training -date (OUTLoud North Bay, 123 Delaware Ave)
-Must attend ALL the training dates: October 18, 19, 25 & 26, November 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29 & 30, December 6, 7, 13, & 14 – from 4:00pm – 6:30pm
-Sign and respect the confidentiality form
 -Complete ten (10) hours of community peer support volunteer hours (with LERN’s support)
-Successful candidates will be contacted a week prior to training. Please monitor your email.
-Light snacks & refreshments will be provided during this training

*It is important to note that this will be a safe space for all individuals to attend.

For further info, visit:
To apply, please visit:

If you have any questions, or require further information, please reach out to:

  • Kari Sterling: Lived Experience & Recovery Network (LERN): Regional Director 705-840-1818 and/or
  • Erin Russell: Lived Experience & Recovery Network (LERN): Education & Support Coordinator 249-591-1467 and/or
OUTLoud North Bay
123 Delaware Ave
P1B 6Z6
North Bay

Community Event - North Bay - Sunday Showcase OPEN Stage Entertainment

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1664730000 1664751600
1667757600 1667775600
1670176800 1670194800

An afternoon of Open Mic Entertainment 

1st Sunday of every month starting October 2, 1pm to 6pm

We're hosting and open stage and we're looking for people that would like to play, sing or both!

Bring your guitars, fiddles, banjos, etc. Complete with backup band and you can sit in or take your turn solo. 

Everyone is Welcome. Bar will be open and food will be available. 

Cost to attend is FREE ..............Bring the community together enjoying a few laughs and fun. 

Elks Lodge #25
325 Elks Lane
P1B 4L7
North Bay

Community Event - Chatham - Dare to come to Wallaceburg's Haunted Museum

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1666393200 1666400400

Dare to come to ..... Wallaceburg's Haunted Museum.
4 Shows this year:
Friday, October 21, Saturday, October 22,
Friday, October 28, Saturday, October 28, 2022
Shows are from: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Halloween Treats will be available in the Jeanne Gordon Hall, Kids feature movie will be "Frankenweenie".
Tickets are $5.00/per person at the door
Purchase your Early Bird Tickets for $3.00/per person at the Wallaceburg Museum Tuesday to Saturday 10:00am to 4:00pm, until Thursday, October 20, 2022

Wallaceburg District Museum
505 King Street
N8A 1J1

Community Event - Sarnia - Women's Fitness - Circuit Training

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1664920800 1664924400

Join us for a weekly for circuit training program. This program will be geared to achieve a moderate exercise intensity but can be modified to suit individual needs.

Program is free of charge but participants must be registered.

Register at

Twin Bridges Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic - Program Room
N7T 2M9

Community Event - Chatham - Wallaceburg and District Historical Annual Banquet

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1665093600 1665104400

Wallaceburg and District Historical Society Annual Banquet.

At the Jeanne Gordon Hall, Dinner is $30.00/per person.

Social 6pm, Dinner 6:30pm, 7pm Guest Speaker Mark Aarssen will discuss his new book release "An Onion Under Glass", with some great stories.

For more Information please call the Museum 519 627 8962, email

Wallaceburg District Museum
505 King Street
N8A 1J1