Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Read with Wrestler Cody Deaner at Chatham Branch

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1567090800 1567094400

At Chatham Branch of the Chatham Kent Public Library on August 29th at 11am.

Read with a Wrestler is a free event that is best suited to children 8 to 12 years of age. No registration required. Cody will share his love of reading and his personal wrestling experiences with the audience.

Community Event - Cornwall - Salem Summer Music Evenings 2019

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1566774000 1566781200

Guest artists: The Campbell Trio

Book sale - Sing-a-long – Refreshments

Come and join us for an evening with these talented and popular musicians!

Freewill offering 

Salem United Church
19041 County Rd. 2
K6H 5R5

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Windsor Area Youth Dart League Registration

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1564372800 1564459140

Youth Darts Regtration for Ages 7-18 on September 7 and September 14 from 10am to 12pm

at Royal Canadian Legion Branch12, 2090 Brant St, Windsor.

Cost $35.

Contact: Matt Campbell @ (519)259 2769 or

Public Notices/Announcements - Belleville - The Probus Club of Belleville

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1565272800 1565280000
1566482400 1566489600

Probus Club of Belleville welcome retirees and semi-retirees to its meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. On Thursday, August 8 the annual picnic take place at Zwicks Island Park Lions Pavilion. On Thursday, August 22nd at 10 a.m., at Maranatha Church, 100 College Street West, Belleville, the guest speaker will be Sandie Sidsworth. The topic is Poverty, Mental Health and Homelessness.

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - City of Stars Gala Dinner & Show--Sept. 21st

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1569101400 1569117600

This gala dinner and show will feature live music and entertainment presented by Devon Hansen and guest stars from past Saturdays at 7 concerts. You will enjoy delightful appetizers, a delicious buffet meal accompanied by a glass of wine followed by a marvelous selection of desserts.

Proceeds go to St. Andrew's United Church "Join the Journey" Building Restoration Fund. Tickets, $100 with a $45 tax receipt are available from the Church office, 85 William Street S., Chatham. Table of 8 can be reserved for $750. Deadline for tickets is September 15. For further information check or call 519-352-0010  

Community Event - Belleville - Drumming Circle (8 weeks)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1568037600 1568041200

Experienced facilitator Ruth Dwight will lead this Circle. Simply put, it’s a group of people, from a few, to many, sitting on chairs, experiencing the spontaneous creation of music on a variety of drums and percussion instruments. Light instruction and technique will be provided with the ultimate goal to play authentic Djembe rhythms. This 8 week session begins Monday, September 9th from 10:00 to 11:00am at Bloomfield Town Hall (289 Bloomfield Main St). No charge for County Seniors Centre members. Non-members $5.00. This program is offered in conjunction with The Prince Edward County Public Library. Space is limited, call the County Seniors Centre to register at 613-476-7493.

289 Main Street

Community Event - Belleville - Rhythm Dancing Lessons

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1567710000 1567713600

A beginner’s class in social dancing for women and men, singles and couples with various rhythms from hot Latin to cool rock. This 8 week course at the Picton Town Hall (2 Ross Street, Picton) begins on Thursday, September 5th from 3:00 to 4:00pm. Nancy will introduce you to popular social dances like rumba, swing, salsa, merengue, bachata, and more, through the essential elements of dance. This is a weight bearing exercise with no stress on your joints. Dance improves your posture, balance, endurance and flexibility while combatting stress and boosting the immune system. Dance is, quite simply, good for life. Participants must be able to walk unaided. Open to County Senior Centre members only, cost for 8 lessons is only $30.00. Call the County Seniors Centre for more information or to register at 613-476-7493.

Picton Town Hall
2 Ross Street

Community Event - Belleville - Chair Fitness

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1567693800 1567696500

This gentle exercise class for seniors 60+ is designed to help improve mobility, flexibility, and strengthen muscles. Certified instructor Penny McRae leads this 10 week exercise class on Thursdays from 10:30 to 11:15am at the Picton Town Hall, 2 Ross Street starting on Thursday, September 5th. A membership is required to join the fitness class. The cost is $40.00. Call the County Seniors Centre for more information or to register at 613-476-7493.

Picton Town Hall
2 Ross Street

Community Event - Belleville - Wii Bowling League

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1567531800 1567535400

The Wii Bowling League is on Tuesdays starting at 1:30 pm at the office of Community Care for Seniors, 74A King Street, Picton. Seniors can enter a team of four or sign up as an individual. Wii bowling is not physically demanding. It is a video game by Nintendo and can be played from a standing or sitting position. There are two lanes and 8 people play at a time. The laughter is infectious. Get active, make friends, be well. Individual and team scores are kept with trophies presented on the last day. No experience is necessary and new players will be warmly welcomed. Teams are being formed now. The cost is $12.00. Call the County Seniors Centre today at 613-476-7493 for more information. A membership is required to join Wii Bowling.

The Community care for seniors office
74 A King Street,