Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - United We Ride

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1567310400 1567396740

Join United Way of Chatham-Kent on Sunday September 1st, for United We Ride 2019 cycling event to raise money for United Way of Chatham-Kent and Buxton National Historic Site and Museum

United We Ride is a fun, noncompetitive event that gives riders of all abilities an opportunity to explore Buxton, Ontario and surrounding areas on two wheels while helping to improve lives and building strong communities!

Each entry includes: Coffee & light snacks before the ride, drinks & snacks at the rest stops/water stations,route map and race swag!

Day of Registration and packet pick up will begin at 8am at the North Buxton, Ontario Community Park

Three rides are included in the one day event:

30km Raleigh Ride - 8:45am

50km Extended Raleigh Ride 8:45am

107km South CK Ride - 8:30am

Day of registration available! Each ride will increase $5.00 in price the day of so get your savings and register now!!!

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Summer Art Camps: Teen Express

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1565193600 1565211600
1565280000 1565298000
1565366400 1565384400

Print It, Zines!
August 7-9th
Let's make some zines!  Created in the 70s as a way to get a manifesto out ASAP, zines are an inclusive way to have a voice as an individual, or as a collective.  Come to the camp ready to share ideas, trade your stuff, work collaboratively or alone and gush about all things zine.

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - WAMBO Saturday, August 10th

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1565442000 1565467200

Please visit the Wallaceburg and District Museum for WAMBO Saturday, August 10, 2019

There is so much to do at the Museum...




Dunk Tank

Rope Making

Face Painting

TJ Stables will be joining us for Horse Rides and a Petting Zoo..

Go upstairs to the Jeanne Gordon Hall...

Take a free stroll through the amazing Museum..


This stop is a must for do not want to miss out!

Événement communautaire - Laurentides - Programmation automne 2019

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1564372800 1564459140

Venez chercher la programmation d'automne 2019 du Café communautaire l'Entre-Gens!

Une foule d'activités captivantes vous attendent. Arts, santé, divertissement...

Le plaisir et l'enrichissement est au menu!

Début des inscriptions au retour des vacances, le 19 août!

Café Communautaire l'Entre-Gens
1006 rue Valiquette
Ste. Adèle