Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Summer Day Camp Tuesday, August 6th

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1565096400 1565121600

The Wallaceburg and District Museum is offering a camp for children interested in the inner workings of a museum. During this day camp they will explore every inch of the museum, investigate history mysteries, learn what it takes to put together an exhibit and then each camper will have an opportunity to curate their own mini exhibit.
Aug 6, 9am-4pm. Bring your own lunch and snacks. $20 per child. Register at the Museum. 



Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Taw Connors a Stompin Tribute to his Dad

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1566082800 1566093600

Celebrate with us!  Our Mary Webb Building is 101 years old and our brand new addition Open House - MWC and bar open at 5:30 and doors to concert hall open at 6:15 for seating ... show at 7PM WITH TAW CONNORS!
Taw performs a tribute to his father, "Stompin' Tom Connors"; his career life story around all his Canadian iconic songs.  The show is filled with 30 + favourite Stompin’ Tom songs as Taw sings the songs, tells the story and like his father, HE STOMPS on a board throughout the show.
519-358-6455, or email for tickets

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Surfin' Safari: The Ultimate Beach Party Show

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1566086400 1566093600

Surfin' Safari: The Ultimate Beach Party Show celebrates the music of Jimmy Buffet, Frankie Avalon, Jan & Dean, The Ventures, and of course ...The Beach Boys!

Don't miss this fun-filled, audience interactive "beach party show" that combines fabulous musical tributes with an outstanding live band. Song highlights include "Surfin' USA", "Margaritaville", "Surf City", "It's 5 O’Clock Somewhere", "California Girls" “Wipeout” and "Kokomo" amongst the many audience favourites. No matter what the weather is like, it'll be warm and sunny on stage!

Get ready to have some "Fun, Fun, Fun"!!

Tickets: $41 plus handling fee. August 17th at the Chatham Capitol Theatre.


Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Alternating Lane Closures at Lauzon Line & McHugh

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1564372800 1564459140

Alternating lane closures will take place at the Lauzon Line/McHugh Street/Lauzon Road intersection for approximately one and a half months to allow for intersection improvements Monday, July 29 to September 20 (weather permitting). Access through the intersection will remain open during construction.


Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Kids Summer Movie Fun: The Lego Movie 2 (2019)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1565290800 1565298000

$3 cash at the door or flash your pass

It's been five years since everything was awesome and the citizens are facing a huge new threat: Lego Duplo invaders from outer space, wrecking everything faster than they can rebuild.

Rated PG, Animation, Action, Adventure
Runtime: 1h 47min

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Roast Beef Dinner Sat Oct 5th in Cobourg

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1570309200 1570316400

Delicious roast beef and Yorkshire pudding dinner with pie and ice cream for dessert.  Everyone welcome.  Adults: $20.  Children 3 to 12: $7.  Performance by the Corktown Fiddlers.  Tickets at the door.  For more information call the church office at 905-372-7411.

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
200 King St W.
K9A 2N1

Community Event - Niagara - 205th Anniversary of the Battle of Lundy's Lane

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1564070400 1564102800

The Lundy's Lane Historical Society, 2nd Lincoln Artillery and the Niagara Falls Museums are presenting several events to mark the 205th anniversary of the Battle of Lundy's Lane. 

Hourly Cannon Fire - 2nd Lincoln Artillery - Noon - 6pm

Hourly Tours of Battlefield - Following Cannon Fire

Commemorative Service - Lundy's Lane Historical Society - 7pm

Demonstration by 2nd Lincoln Artillery - Following Commemorative Service

Drummond Hill Cemetery
6110 Lundy's Lane
L2G 1T1
Niagara Falls

Community Event - North Bay - Jazz at the Junction Presents Mike Landoni Quartet

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1563926400 1563931800

Jazz at the Junction presents The Mike Landoni Quartet

Tuesday July 23, 7:00 - 9:30 pm, West Ferris Legion, NB

An evening of jazz, soul and Latin with friends and good company

Admission: $15 non-members; $10 members

Jazz at the Junction: Where Musicians and Music Lovers Meet

West Ferris Legion
30 Legion Drive, North Bay

Community Event - Cornwall - Vagabond Theatre auditions for Murder by The book

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1564009200 1564016400
1564095600 1564102800
1564171200 1564189200

Auditions for the play will be held July 24th, 25th from 7 - 9pm and July 26th during the Art Walk event from 4 - 9pm at the BMO building 159 Pitt St. Cornwall ON.

Selwyn Piper – a novelist, a successful literary critic and thriller writer, in his forties, well groomed, erudite and self-assured, ready but sardonic wit
Christine Scott – his secretary, attractive, likeable, efficient, in her early 20’s, unobtrusive charm, devoted to Piper but the relationship never goes beyond that of employer/employee
Imogen Piper – his wife – a few years younger than her husband, attractive ex-actress, theatrical charm and composure, good at verbal fencing, well dressed, heavily made up.
Peter Fletcher – his neighbor – in his late twenties, light-hearted, frivolous manner, appears unable to take even the the most solemn occasion seriously, reveals flashes of acute intelligence which shows more as the play develops
John Douglas – his publisher- bluff, middle-aged, immaculately turned-out with easy charm which disintegrates into bewilderment under stress.  He is intellectually inferior to both Selwyn and Imogen – fails to appreciate the import of the deadly games they play on each other and as a result he becomes a pawn in their hands.

159 Pitt St.