Public Notices/Announcements - Belleville - Crokinole Social at the Ameliasburgh Town Hall

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1565400600 1565448300

This morning event is free and open for seniors 60+ who enjoy a little fun competition and conversation. There is something wonderfully Canadian about this simple board game. It came out of rural Canada around the time of Confederation – the World Championship is held each year in Tavistock, ON – which would give it an earlier claim on the national psyche than hockey! Crokinole is easy to learn. This lively game can be played individually or on teams. This event is on Friday, August 9th from 9:15 to 10:45am. Refreshments included. County Seniors Centre members are encouraged to bring friends to play and enjoy the benefits of becoming a member of the County Seniors Centre. For more information and to register call 613-476-7493.

Public Notices/Announcements - Belleville - Picnic in the Park - August 7th – Benson Park

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1565193600 1565197200

Come have lunch with us at Benson Park on Ross Street in Picton on Wednesday, August 7th at 12 noon.  Enjoy live music by local musicians and munch on a boxed picnic lunch all for $10.00. There will be seasonal beverages provided so bring a refillable cup as well.  Hoping for sunshine so bring a lawn chair, blanket, hat or umbrella.  Should it rain we will move to the Picton Town Hall across the street.  Following the luncheon a representative will speak about the upcoming Chamber Music Festival. Everyone is invited to participate in outside games. Call Community Care for Seniors for more information and to register at 613-476-7493. 

Public Notices/Announcements - Belleville - Wood/Bark Carving Presentation, Hillier Town Hall

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561987800 1561991400

This presentation by Lisa Thompson of the Quinte Wood Carvers Association will have an Interactive Display.  This will be a beginner level introduction to the world of wood and bark carving mediums. Basic instructions on techniques and use of tools.  If interest shown a 6 week Bark Carving course will be offered in the fall.  This presentation will begin at 9:30am at the Hillier Town Hall, 18560 Loyalist Parkway.  This event is free and open to all seniors 60+.  Call the County Seniors Centre for more information or to register at 613-476-7493.