Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - 3Rivers Roll June 18th

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560891600 1560906000

Join us at Community Living Wallaceburg’s first bike party of the summer! We’re kicking off the summer with a health and wellness themed roll starting at the Wallaceburg Legion. Unleash the health nut in you! Do some stretches with a gymnastics coach, yoga with a yoga instructor and enjoy some healthy foods before the bike. Stick around afterwards for some good music and great company!

What is 3Rivers Roll?
3Rivers Roll is an hour long bicycle route through Wallaceburg with a slow, relaxed pace. It's not a race, it's a slow roll through various neighborhoods of the 'burg. All bicycles, all ages, all abilities are welcome - bring your own music, decorate your bike and join in the fun!

Join the party before and after the bike for more community fun!

Funds raised over the course of the summer will be directed towards Community Living Wallaceburg's recreational activity services.

For more information please visit our website.

Community Event - Niagara - NF Horticultural Society 66th Rose & Flower Show

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560891600 1560902400

Member grown horticultural & design entries as well as photography division.

Youth division open to the public (no membership required) Prizes given. Theme: "In the Garden" - letter size piece of artwork done with crayon, drawing, paint, paste collage, etc. Please note name & age of child on the back of the artwork.

All entries must be in place by 1:30pm, June 18th. No exceptions. (Members please refer to your yearbook for specimen classes)

Open to the public. Free admission. Refreshments served. Win 1 of 2 tickets for our 2019 Garden Walk.

Niagara Falls Public Library - Rosberg Gallery
4848 Victoria Avenue
L2E 4C5
Niagara Falls

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Salad Supper - June 14

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560546000 1560553200

Peniel United Church Salad Supper on Friday June 14 starting at 5:00 p.m. Adults $15.00, Youth (12 and under) $7.50 and preschoolers free.


Peniel United Church
407 CKL Road 46
K0M 2T0

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - "Survival of the Fabulous" A CBC Doc

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560963600 1560970800

Join Canadian LGBTQ documentary film-maker Bryce Sage for a special talk and showing of his "The Nature of Things" doc, "Survival of the Fabulous". Are gay men born gay? If they are, how could same-sex attraction, a trait that prevents reproduction, evolve into the human race and survive generations of history?

Port Hope Public Library Mary J. Benson branch
31 Queen Street
L1A 2Y8
Port Hope

Community Event - Niagara - Time For A Free Garage Sale @ FallsView BIC Church

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559534400 1559577600

Free Free Free Garage Sale.  Everything is free.  There are free hot dogs,and  free baked goods.  Any item you would find at a garage sale you will find here.  Household goods, tools, lots of nice clothes, toys, books and so much more!  Leave your  wallets behind and bring the kids!

FallsView BIC Church
7189 Drummond Rd
L2G 4P7
Niagara Falls

Événement communautaire - Saint-Georges - 20e du décès Père E.Tardif

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560031200 1560047400

Vous êtes tous invités à assister à une célébration pour souligner le 20e Anniversaire du décès du Père Émilien Tardif,

qui aura lieu en soirée le Samedi 8 Juin 2019  à la Communauté des Serviteurs du Christ Vivant à Québec

Transport par autobus. Départ 18h/Retour 22h30,Rés.:Noëlline Robert(418)227-3878( prière)