Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Children's Treatment Centre Sponsor of the Day
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Andre & Bev Lapointe, Seaway GM
Andre & Bev Lapointe, Seaway GM
Rhéal Poirier, Filion Trophies
Mark Baker, The Squire Shop
Terry & Laura Kuhn, Fleuriste Roy Florist
A fund-raiser to benefit Wounded Warriors - Belleville Emergency Service Personnel. Spaghetti Supper at St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Belleville on Sunday, June 23 from 4:30 - 6:30 pm. Suggested donation - $8/person, under 12 yrs. old free and a family $25. Spaghetti, rolls, salad, dessert, tea/coffee/juice.
In loving memory of Carmel O'Brien from Kathy, Claire, Ann & Kevin
In loving memory of Albert Sampson. Gone but not forgotten with love, Aline & family
Dairy Queen Cornwall
McDonald's Restaurants, Cornwall & area