Community Event - Kingston - Viva L'Italia Festival 2019 - Italo-Canadian Club

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559487600 1559505600

Join us in celebrating Italy became a Republic and experience some Italian culture.  There will be various activities taking place, such as pasta demonstration, 50/50 draws every hour, bocce, Italian car show, La Pesca game, soccer and more.  Taste some Italian food--sausage and polenta, pizza, pasta, meatball sandwiches, salad and homemade Italian crostoli for sale.  Free Admission.  Everyone Welcome.  Time - 11:00 am - 4:00 pm.

5:00 pm - The day will culminate with one our very popular events--"Cuccinare with the Nonne"--which will demonstrate how to make Fettuccini Alfredo and Primavera and Tiramisu for desert, followed by a meal.  Cost is $30.  Spaces are limited, so reserve early.  Call - 613-542-9323 or e-mail -

Italo-Canadian Club
1174 Italia Lane (off MacAdoos Lane)
K7L 4V3

Community Event - Niagara - An Evening with Spirit featuring Local Mediums Liz

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559257200 1559264400

Canadian Calorie Counters a non profit weight loss organization is hosting a fund raising event. An evening with spirit . Featuring Internationally recognized psychic 

Liz Thorpe from St. Catharines. who over the last 25 years has built a strong reputation delivering messages from Angels and Guides to help people with everyday trials and tribulations. Joining Lis is Margarett Sample . An intuitive medium , connecting you with spirit helping you heal with love. 

Event is being held at the Port Robinson Community Center, 40 Cross st. Port Robinson Thorold. 

Tickets are $40. per person . For further info and Tickets Contact Bernice at 905-931-7945 or

Port Robinson community center
40 Cross St
L2V 1A8
Port Robinson, Thorold

Community Event - Kingston - Fundraising Dinner Cruise - Wed June 5, 6pm

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559772000 1559782800

Cruising Down the River: Fundraising Cruise 

Wednesday June 5, 6:00pm

Take a beautiful dinner cruise on the Island Star. Featuring a 3-hour cruise, dinner, auction and entertainment by guitarist, Erick Turnbull. Menu: choice of Brie Stuffed Chicken, Rainbow Trout, or Vegetarian Samosas, glass of wine, and dessert. This fundraiser in support of the Seniors Association Kingston is sponsored by James Reid Funeral Homes. Supported by Response IT, Kingston Whig-Standard and YourTV. $60/ticket available at 56 Francis St. 613.548.7810;

Crawford Wharf
1 Brock St
K7L 1R7

Community Event - Kingston - Dinner, Music, Games and Magic with the KTC!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560636000 1560646800

Who says what happens in Vegas has to stay in Vegas?

Join The Kingston TownsmenPerpetual Emotion Quartet, the KCVI High School Choir, and renowned ROCK107 radio show host/comedy hypno-mentalist BUZZ COLLINS for an unforgettable evening of food and fun! You'll be delighted by a delicious catered meal, classy music, mind-boggling stage acts, games of chance, and enticing door prizes. Bring a date, bring friends - don't take the chance you'll miss out on this exciting event!

A portion of our proceeds will be donated to charities Loving SpoonfulSing Canada Harmony, and Harmonize4Speech.

Hellenic Banquet Hall
121 Johnson Street
K7L 1X9

Community Event - Chatham - RentSmart - Landlord Course

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560605400 1560614400

Tenants want a safe, suitable and affordable home to rent. Landlords want tenants to pay rent on time and be a good neighbour. RentSmart is an innovative education program that offers education to tenants and landlords with one goal: Successful Tenancies. RentSmart is offered through a unique partnership; 'Tenant' courses are offered by the Municipality of Chatham-Kent and 'Landlord' courses are offered by the Chatham-Kent Landlord Association. Courses are offered most months  The first public Landlord course is being offered June 15, 2019 preregistration is required. Contact

Chatham-Kent Library
120 Queen Street,
N7M 2G6

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Door-to-Door Canvass for Dog Tags in Tecumseh

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1558670400 1558756740

Commissionaires Ottawa will begin canvassing May 28 to June 29 during the day, evening and weekend hours. They will be wearing a uniform and have identification.
Dog Owners, who do not have dog tags, will be asked to complete the 2019 Dog Licence Renewal Application (Application), and provide payment of the $35 fee. Cash, debit or cheques made payable to the Town of Tecumseh, are acceptable payment forms. More Details available at



Community Event - Belleville - Absolute Journey Tribute

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1568502000 1568509200

Saturday, September 14th at 7pm

The band recreates not just a show, but a full-fledged Journey Concert, with Riccardo Curzi! The most traveled Journey tribute in the world.

There will also be a Pre-Show Buffet Dinner (optional) which starts at 5pm. Your 4-course meal includes: roast beef and another entrée choice, appetizers, salads, potatoes, vegetables and dessert. Coffee and tea is included. Cash bar.

Preshow Meal $25 at 5pm     

Members $38, Seniors $40 and Non-Members $42, Plus HST

Please visit or call 613-395-2100, TF 1-877-312-1162 for tickets.

Stirling Festival Theatre
41 West Front St
K0K 3E0