Événement communautaire - Montmagny - Souper dansant du Club FADOQ
Dimanche 21 octobre de 16h a 20h30 au sous sol de l'Église St-Thomas
Animation musicale Mme Aline Talbot
(info et réservation 248-5004 Bte vocale) ou 241-3599 Renée Grégoire prés.
Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Filles d'Isabelle
Mardi 2 octobre, souper fraternel à 17 h 45 suivi de notre réunion mensuelle à 19 h 30 au sous-sol de l'église St-Laurent, rue de Malapart à Trois-Rivières.
Bienvenue à toutes! Info.: 819 372-0282.
Événement communautaire - Mauricie - AFEAS St-Maurice
L'AFEAS St-Maurice vous invite à un souper TI-COQ, mercredi le 10 octobre à 18 h.
Réunion à 19 h 30.
Formation : «Prends ta place sur l'intimidation».
Endroit : 2431, boulevard St-Jean à St-Maurice, dans la salle du conseil.
Bienvenue aux membres et non-membres.
Informations : 819 374-6156.
Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Flea Market & Rummage Sale at St. Columba Church
Sat. Sep.29, 8:30-11:30. 7 St. Columba Dr. (Off Geneva, N. of Linwell). Large variety of new and gently-used clothing/footwear, bedding, Raffle for $150 Thanksgiving Dinner Basket, household items, jewellery, toys, books, treasures and more. 905-935-4473, www.saintcolumba.ca.
Community Event - Chatham - Patricia M.Productions Monthly Fashion Show
Patricia M. Productions Monthly Luncheon Fashion Show
Wednesday October 3/18
T-Bones Grill House
953 Charing Cross, 519-360-9401
Call restaurant for reservations
Fashions by: Get It On & Northern Reflections
Showtime 12:15 till 12:50
“Working with our Community”
Chatham Kent Children’s Safety Village
Community Event - Kingston - Roast Beef Dinner at Trinity Presbyterian Church
Roast Beef Dinner at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 9 Manitou Crescent Amherstview, Saturday, October 13 from 5-7 PM
Adults $15, Children 6-12 $7, 5 and under free.
Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Oktoberfest Dinner. Zion Lutheran Church.
Oktoberfest Dinner.
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church.
454 Miller Street. Pembroke, Ontario.
Sunday, October 14th, 3:30pm - 6:30pm.
- Adults - $14.00. Children to age 12 - $5.00. Children under 5 - free.
- Tickets Available at the Door.
- Take-out Available.
- Wheelchair Accessible.
- Traditional Menu.
Community Event - North Bay - Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption Catholic Women's L
The Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption Catholic Women's League will be holding a General Meeting on Wednesday, October 3rd at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. A movie will be shown and all new members are welcome.