Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Nintendo Gaming Day at Blenheim Branch!
The Blenheim Branch of the Chatham-Kent Public Library will be hosting a Nintendo Gaming day during the June 7th PA Day. Come to the Branch and play!
The Blenheim Branch of the Chatham-Kent Public Library will be hosting a Nintendo Gaming day during the June 7th PA Day. Come to the Branch and play!
Join the Dresden Branch of the Chatham-Kent Public Library on June 7th for some Lego Fun! Drop in anytime from 10am-3pm to get creative.
Did you know the Dresden Branch of the Chatham-Kent Public Library has a monthly Book Club? The Dresden Branch's Book Club will meet on June 11 to discuss ghost stories! Join them at 3:15 pm for the discussion!
Join CKRec on June 7th for a #FREE PA Day Swim! Blenheim Rotary Pool from 1:30-3 or at the Wallaceburg Sydenham Pool from 1:30-4pm.
The NBSC will be hosting their 1st Annual Golf Tournament at Osprey Links Golf in Callander on Thursday July 4th, 2024.
Best Ball Scramble with teams of 4
Starts at 1pm
Cost $125/golfer or $500/foursome includes golf, cart and steak dinner
To register call Luc at 705-498-2827
June 8th & 9th
Celebrating 50 years of friendship
Lee Park, 800 Memorial Drive
Grand Entry 12pm & 7pm on Saturday & 12pm Sunday
Registration opens at 10:30am.
Free Admission - Everyone welcome
Sunrise ceremony at 5:30am on Saturday & Sunday
Community Feast at 5pm on Saturday
Bring your feast bundle, water bottle & chair
Indigenous vendors, food trucks, water truck & info booth
Shuttle bus available.
Saturday June 15th from 7am - 2pm
299 Airport Road in North Bay
If you would like to donate items to this year's garage sale
Please drop off items at St. Peter the Apostle on June 11, 12 & 13 from 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm.
Suggested Items
Preferred items to sell include:
Household items such as glasses, dishes, cookware and utensil sets.
Small electrical appliances in good working condition such as blenders, toasters coffee makers etc.
Books. Soft covered are preferred. No magazines or encyclopedias.
Small furniture such as pictures, mirrors, and lamps.
Tools, sporting goods, children’s toys and games.
Costume jewellery, collectibles, garden tools and lawn furniture.
Please NO: stuffed toys, No electronics or large appliances, No clothing or shoes.
All donations should be clean and in working condition where applicable.
For more information please contact the Parish office: 705-472-1817
Volunteers: Please Sign-up on the Volunteer List available on the Church Bulletin Board