Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Trivia Night at Hutchison House Museum

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1709856000 1709863200

Are you ready to test your trivia skills? Come out to Hutchison House on Thursday, March 7th from 7-9pm to take part in some history themed trivia. Topics will include Peterborough and general history. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Sign up as a team (min. of 4) or as an individual (and be placed on a team). Tickets are $15. This program has been put together by the students of the Museum Management and Curatorship Program from Sir Sandford Fleming College. For questions and to reserve a spot please call 705-743-9710 or email

Hutchison House Museum
270 Brock St
K9H 2P9

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - COME & SING WITH US! Northumberland Chorus

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1706504400 1706590740

Northumberland Chorus, Sweet Adelines is a diverse community of women who sing A Capella harmony. We invite you to COME ON AND SING!! We sing, we socialize, we make new friends, and we have a lot of laughs! We meet every Monday from 7 to 9:30 pm at the church hall of Calvary Baptist Church. We are located at 237 Ball Street, Cobourg.  If you are looking for some joy in your life, this is the place to be! Please call Cheryl (905-376-9771), or email us at Please check out our website or FB Northumberland Chorus.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Calvary Baptist Church
237 Ball Street

Community Event - North Bay - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1707861600 1707868800

A Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will take place on Tuesday, February 13, from 5 - 7 pm in the Parish Hall of St. John's Anglican Church, 307 Main St., East. A gluten-free option will be available. Tickets: adults $12, students $10 and children under 6 $5. Tickets available at the door or from Irv Dyck at 705-472-7732.

St. John's Church Parish Hall
307 Main Street East
P1B 1B3
North Bay

Community Event - Burlington/Oakville - Faure Requiem with Brahms & Haydn

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1713052800 1713061800
1713121200 1713130200

Masterworks of Oakville Chorus & Orchestra is presenting FAURE REQUIEM with Brahms, Love Song Waltzes Suite and Haydn, Selections From The Creation

Faure's Requiem is a beautiful work about peaceful acceptance and release, and the music can only be described as by audiences as serene, elevating and comforting.

Tickets are $35 for adults, $30 for seniors.  Tickets for those 30 years of age and under are free.

St Matthew Catholic Church
1150 Monks Passage
L6M 1M2