Community Event - Sarnia - Lambton Branch, Ontario Ancestors Sept. 2024

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1725966000 1726013700

September 10, 2024 - 7pm-8:15pm

Lambton Branch Ontario Ancestors

Speaker: Kathryn Adams – “Childhood Interrupted:

A Child Migrant’s Journey” - Kathryn shares the life 

experiences of her mother Evelyn Donnelly Toms, 

a British Home Child, who migrated from England 

to Canada in 1945 at age 11.

ONLINE ONLY register for Zoom Meeting at

Meetings are free and open to the public – all welcome.

For more information email

N7S 5P6

Community Event - Cornwall - Concert & Candlelight Ceremony -Suicide Prevention

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1726003800 1726012800

Each year around the world on September 10th (5:30pm - 8pm), communities, organizations and individuals come together to raise awareness, reduce stigma & encourage action to help prevent instances of suicide around the world. This year your Suicide Prevention Coalition of Champlain East wants to invite you to their signature event in our community to support this initiative. Join us to learn about community resources, hear testimonials of courage and hope, be moved by inspirational songs during our live musical performance and come together in solidarity to light a candle to show your support for suicide prevention.

Register to receive a free candle and chance to win prizes.  Food Truck, Concert, Guest Speakers, Scavenger Hunt. Change the narrative of suicide on World Suicide Prevention Day.

Lamoureux Park (Bandshell)
100 Water Street East
K6J 3R1